This is a great statement from an earlier post;
When I was able to purchase cables that are considerably more costly, the benefits were immediate. The experience isn't just heard, but felt. The musicians have arrived in my room.
We have tested over 300 different cable models, not brands but models and we found that the cable manufactures that implemented technology into their construction of the actual core cable, made a difference. This means the manufacture is not buying a roll of copper or silver but rather extruding their own core cable and starting with a raw material. At that point the manufacture will implement their own technology to each strand of cable. This also means that every strand is the same diameter. When a cable manufacture puts this much effort into designing a cable, it is audible. We found that when companies focused on improving the core cable, this helped significantly. The main problem with cable manufactures is that there are only a handful of companies that have any real technology and this can mean that the retail buyer might not find a true improvement from an expensive cable and a cheaper cable until they find a cable company with real technology. Improving the core cable takes time and this can cost more money in materials and labor because the manufacture is not buying some cheap roll of cable.
I do not believe you need to spend huge money on a cable but if you think that upgrading your cables to the level of your components is a waste of money, than you are in the wrong hobby/passion. We have also found you really need to change all your cables to get the true effect of cables. Your system is only as good as your weakest link.