
A couple of days ago I was talking to a dealer and he said that all speakers benefit from adding a subwoofer. What's are your thoughts? 
Stringreen 3-18-2016 6:39 p.m.
I explained it and some of you still don’t get it. You’re not extending the low end, but making mids and treble better....
Assuming, of course, that a high pass filter of some sort is inserted somewhere in the path to the main speakers. And assuming that the benefit of keeping the deep bass out of the main speakers is not outweighed by the sonic side effects of that high pass filter and its associated interfaces.

As is usual in audio, a tradeoff is involved. And I wouldn’t by any means expect the net result of that tradeoff to always be the same among different systems, rooms, recordings, and listeners.

-- Al

I have learned that without proper phase integration with the mains, the sound will suffer big time. When the sub and speakers are in time,the whole system improves across the board... When out of phase,bass becomes slow and lacking in dynamics and musicality.
Highly recommended as long as you do the management properly.  Look at the MiniDSP 2 x 4
Very timely thread!  I am thinking about adding a sub to my Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution monitors.  These have a -6db response at around 43hz and starts to roll off at 72hz.  My room is small (10x11, though the back wall is only 3' high and opens up to my family room) and I do not listen at high volumes.  The sub I am looking at has a -6db response of 32hz.  I am hoping that adding a sub has the effects that Stingreen mentioned above.  I have also read that adding a sub will help to "open things up" and "expand the soundstage" though I have no idea how.

 You're not extending the low end, but making mids and treble better....also you change the acoustics of the room by evening out the "bumpy" low end.