New amp for Vandersteen 2CE

Hoping you can help me narrow down my choices for a new amp for my Vandersteen 2CE speakers.  I have been using a pair of Adcom GFA565 monoblocks.  They have ridiculous amounts of power, but I don't come anywhere near using it all and I would like a little more clarity in the midrange.  I have two used amps I'm considering - a McCormack DNA 0.5 and a Pass Labs Aleph 5.  Another option would be a fully restored/upgraded Adcom 535/545/555.  Source is a Sonos Connect with a passive attenuator for volume control.
Thanks for the help!
I don't think an amplifier change will give you what you're looking for. If you decide to go that route, try before you buy.
I hear that Ayre Acoustic V5-xe is great match for those by coincidence I have one for sale, is listed on Audiogon check it out and check the reviews. This Amp is like new and the price is good. This one will make you happy.
Vandersteen speakers will work with a lot of amps. I've cut back the power from 200 watts per speaker to 50. My room and my hearing don't demand more. I will say all of my amps have good power supplies that double power into 4 ohms and sound good and you're set.