If you have ever bought anything from HSU research

This has me scratching my head. I have heard about these people for years, I finally bought one a VTK 12 incher.

I got it back to my house and the cabinet was punctured.

I took pictures notified them and they sent a call tag. I had to wait all day etc. Over the weekend after they got it back, I told them I didn't want it and wanted a full refund.

I couldn't try the unit and have to say the one I got was very very cheaply made. I had sawdust all over my floor, the driver was made of paper in short it was pretty crappy.

Of course being a greedy little internet company they tried to place it under their 30 days policy even though the unit I got was defective.

They have said all kinds of things that are untrue to the credit card company to keep this $99.00. Especially candy.

On a whim and this is what the thread is about I called FEDEX with my original tracking number in order to make a claim, I figure hell you have the sub and are still charging me money I will look into it. No more than a week after they got the unit back. They were paid in full for the SUB at retail not wholesale and were also paid for shipping to and from my house. Only the cabinet was damaged not the driver or amp.

They are still trying to charge me a fee, Not sure if they hit their head or what, but this is FRAUD.

I am just letting others know if enough people have been bilked out 100.00 a class action suit is in order. I can't be the only one


Maybe it's simply that you're not being clear.

You now write:

Not really no one gets off the hook for selling defective merchandise, then getting reimbursed for the unit and shipping and reusing the unit and making more money.

Maybe you intended to communicate something different, but that's not how your OP reads. Per that post (at least as I read it), HSU shipped a unit and FEDEX damaged it. So far, FEDEX has botched their job, but HSU has done nothing wrong. (Your objection to product quality noted, but not relevant here - HSU never guaranteed that you'd like the product quality and even specified a policy that governs what happens if you don't.)

HSU was reimbursed by Fedex when you refused it/returned it to them. Again, HSU pays FEDEX for a service (including damage insurance), they're simply settling per their agreement. Nothing wrong by HSU, yet.

HSU offers you a replacement (but not a refund) per their policy. Still HSU has done nothing wrong here, per your agreement with them. You may wish they had done more for you, but so far everyone (except you) has been respecting the terms of the agreements they've entered into. Which brings us back to:

Not really no one gets off the hook for selling defective merchandise, then getting reimbursed for the unit and shipping and reusing the unit and making more money

What makes you think HSU "re-used" the damaged unit? Unless I'm misreading your OP, you never accepted a replacement, so it's not like HSU sent you a patched up re-pack as a replacement. How do you know what HSU did with the unit that FEDEX damaged?

Unless there's something you haven't shared here, the only fair assumption is that HSU discarded the damaged unit (assuming that Fedex even returned it to them) or repaired it and sold it as B stock. Do you have any evidence of some other behavior by HSU? If you don't, do you understand why people read your complaints re: HSU's behavior as unreasonable?

BTW, if I've misrepresented what you wrote in any way, it's not by design. I believe that it's a straight read of your OP, tho please clarify if I've gotten it wrong.

As to having the right to a refund because you received defective merchandise:

My understanding is that neither Federal law nor California state law automatically guarantees a buyer the right to a refund when they receive defective merchandise. Indeed, in many cases, items may be sold "as is", where no refund OR replacement is required, although there's a bunch of law requiring that this policy be "clearly made known in plain language" to the buyer. So, the terms of a seller's agreement with a buyer may absolutely allow for replacement (rather than refund) in the event that a unit is received defective. Let's also not forget that you described receiving a unit DAMAGED in shipping (that's not the same as "defective"). Although that distinction may not be relevant regarding your rights to a refund, it does make it even harder to reasonably "blame" HSU for not stepping up "beyond the call of duty" (the letter of their agreement with you).

In short, it's hard to understand why you think you had a right to a refund here. It's easy to understand why you want one and why you might hope that HSU steps up for you, but it's hard to see why you'd accuse HSU of "fraud" and other misbehavior when they didn't.

Again, HSU accommodated you - possibly because they didn't want the hassle of dealing with you and any advocacy offices that you involved in the process. I'm glad it worked out for you, but you haven't made a case against HSU, yet - as least as far as I can see. I don't think anyone is being antagonistic towards you here, it's just that your OP didn't support the accusations you made vs HSU, and the new post doesn't either.
I agree with Marty and I'll add: The OP needs to look up the definition of damaged and the definition of defective.

If the unit was "DEFECTIVE" is was because it was "DAMAGED" first...PERIOD! No gray area here, none.

As I posted the policy above, HSU was absolutely in the right and the OP was not.

I'm glad that it did eventually work out for the OP, but according to the written, very clear policy, HSU did nothing wrong.
Again you are missing the point I got a defective item that did not work,

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out , it was not just damaged that is a whole other word and has a separate meaning since you seem to be so good at looking things up maybe go old school and use a dictionary .

The transaction would be governed by TN law,not CA law but no law federal , state or otherwise will back up a defective item which this was. It may have been damaged as well but it was also defective and should work but did not.

Off course they took the parts out and resold it are they just going to throw it away. It really doesn't matter what you think you aren't an attorney focusing on consumer law you are just some blow hard on the internet that thinks the tard net is the only valid place for information.

There is value in real education especially law everyone thinks that they are a lawyer but it takes a graduate from an accredited law school who has passed the bar and litigated to get what I am saying not someone with dubious skills at putting forth an argument of which they no nothing about.

This is for people that have been ripped off and have fallen for the word damaged, if they could put defective why don't they?

Their website still says damaged not damaged and defective. It was damaged but also defective that's the way it is.

You can not understand this all you want.

But you can't operate this way you don't get all your money and my money to etc. Meaning HSU.

And if you are an attorney which I doubt quote the statute in Lexus nexus for the state of Tn and defective merchandise as well as any federal statute, it isn't there. By her own admission the item would not work and was not my fault that it didn't. End of story
@Martykl- your mistake was not heeding the advice of the great sage Ron White (and I quote):
"You can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever."