Tube integrated amp under $1000

Getting close to taking a plunge on a small tube integrated amp preferably under $1000.  Open for suggestions.   Small size and WAF matters.   The two leading contenders I have actually heard are Glow Audio Amp 1 and Jolida fx10.  

Only knock I know of against either is Jolida runs hot and can shorten lifespan.   How has that turned out for owners?

Will  run 90db small monitors initially  and needs a headphone Jack as well.  Ability to drive lower impedance headphones like Sennheiser Momentum without noise or hum desired. 

Owned the Jolida FX10 and Glow. Very good little amps; but I like the Musical Paradise integrated, checkout review by Tim Smith at it might float your boat. Inexpensive as as well. Best, Rob
GLOW may or may not be strong enough depending upon your listening configuration.  I have a lightly used one that you could get into for much less than $1K.
Mik I'm considering the Musical Paradise and had read that.   Have never heard it though.   I wonder if it would have hum with 18 ohm Sennheiser Momentum phones?

bb I heard GLow at Capital Audiofest a few years back and the system it was in was one of the best I thought.   

This is for  a third system that would not be played too loud so I'm thinking I can get by.    Currently using a vintage 15 watt SS Yamaha receiver there with very good results