why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
chrshanl37313 posts03-20-2016 4:34pmMany of us can agree that cables do indeed make a difference but the point of the thread was about expensive cables. 
Expensive is all relative.   Has it ever cross your mind what's expensive to you inexpensive to another??

I took this as a shot on manufacturers that hyper inflate the cost/performance ratio.
Ultimately consumers decide if the cost/performance ratio is justified.  If too expensive or not enough value, company go out of business with lack of demand.    Simple supply, demand and price!

I see lots of comments about Rolexes.

Prior to quartz crystal watches, Loran and GPS, an accurate watch was a necessity for navigation. That was what really made a Rolex a ROLEX. They were the choice of mariners due to their accuracy and reliability. The world has moved on from there, and now they are pieces of jewelry. I am not a believer in expensive cables, but admit that I have not A-B'd them. My extra nickels go into music and if/when there are enough, perhaps equipment. Of course every time I move up one piece of equipment, I know that I need to have saved enough for the next weak link in my system until it comes into balance again.

rfsayles wrote 
"maplegrovemusic, after reading your quote of James Tanners explanation about power cords "insignificant compared to the miles of wire it is connected to...blah, blah, blah" I’m confident I would never own a Bryston. Because apparently, he don’t listen to what happens in "real" world conditions with the last 3 feet. Mr. Tanners "scientific" theory sounds so logical and convincing if I didn’t know better but, it just doesn’t win out against what my ears have experienced for more than two decades. To bad Caelin Gabriel doesn’t make an amplifier..."

I am happy for you . I am not posting to change your mind about hifi beliefs . Just stating mine is all .
Yesterday I substituted even more expensive cabling than those I have been using. There is no question that the new ones are substantially better. Can I give up and return the new ones or figure out how I can buy them? I am as yet unable to say.
Lot of sensible responses here.  Before we cut each other's throat, shouldn't we define what's expensive....LOL!!!

To me, Nordost Odin 2 is expensive but to few fortunate one's it's the only cable that fits the bill. The ownership of any high priced cables justifiable to those who have means to pay and possibly sound 'best' in their larger than life system. 

Cables are just as critical as other components in any decent system. There are wide range of cables available from $100 to $100K.  Do your research, audition them in your rig, buy what you can afford and sound best to your ears.  

Unless you have money to burn, never pay full price for any cables or components.  Everything is negotiable. 

Happy Listening!