why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
maplegrovemusic, I'm happy for you too. Not trying to change your mind either... Just telling the truth about what I hear and what others have validated.

knghifi no need to state the obvious here and remember I did not start this thread. I only chimmed in after reading all of the irrational arguments. I will ask you one more time....if you are convinced the performance difference between cables can be proven as easily as the difference between a kia and a porche....well I am all ears as i'm sure are many others. What is your method for proving such a claim?

chrshanl37314 posts03-20-2016 8:08pmknghifi no need to state the obvious here and remember I did not start this thread. I only chimmed in after reading all of the irrational arguments. I will ask you one more time....if you are convinced the performance difference between cables can be proven as easily as the difference between a kia and a porche....well I am all ears as i'm sure are many others. What is your method for proving such a claim?
Well you chime in with many illogical arguments.

Let see, how do I compare differences between cables.   Hmm .. How about listen to it in my system?

I have a Porsche 911 but no experience with Kia.   I'll test drive a Kia next week and probably give you a better answer.
Knghifi - Do you realize if you and another person are present when you are swapping cables that the two of might not agree what sounds "better" between the two of you ?  One can simply comprehend the differences between a kia and a porsche . The labor hours and the materials in the cars is evident . That cannot be said between quality cables of a high value and a modest value .
I think your first point sums it up maple. We each determine what sounds best to us, and then decide what price we are willing to pay.  Did a Stradivarius cost more to make? Can we prove it sounds better? Does it sound better? Tangential, I know...