I'm having a great week! Not only did my Spurs beat the Worriers and everybody else, but I've heard Nirvana!!
I don't write ofter because i am busy listening to
music, but I heard some new High Fidelity stuff at Norms house That was so beyond anything that I must write. After several hours of listening at Norms, Rick came over with all pro gear. Norms system is one of the best ever but it was brought up so many outstanding new levels yesterday.
First Rick added 4 more MC0-0.5's to Norms system ( he only had one before) after all 5 were in the sound was so much more quiet, detailed, natural, powerful, Dynamic with amazing, amazing sound stage depth - width and placement!! (I need more .5's too, I only have 4) Rick showed us how putting the 0.5's with a 3 way outlet splitter that was amazing.
We also tried the 0.5's in other outlets NOT part of the Audio line and we could still hear an improvement. More improvement closer to the Audio though.
Then Rick replaced the UR IC's from DSD DAC to PREamp with a
Pro IC and the sound was impossibly Real. I don't know how to describe
how much better it was. we added another Pro IC from pre to amp and again it was more, much more of indescribably fantastic!!!
THE final step was adding the Pro speaker cable and the sound became painfully too good to be dreamt of, too impossible.(And this is without any break in, I can't imagine what it will sound like in a day, a week, a month!) Painful because now I want something badly that I can never afford. Danger! don't listen to pros if you can't keep them or it may ruin your life. ;-)
We were listening to Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue much of the time. Amazing album if you can hear all of it.
I am sure Norm will do a review once he recovers from the shock and the system has time to cook.
I also got a new UR helix IC yesterday that is just in my system today.
It already sounds wonderful! I will report back in time about that.
Enjoy the Music friends.
I don't write ofter because i am busy listening to
music, but I heard some new High Fidelity stuff at Norms house That was so beyond anything that I must write. After several hours of listening at Norms, Rick came over with all pro gear. Norms system is one of the best ever but it was brought up so many outstanding new levels yesterday.
First Rick added 4 more MC0-0.5's to Norms system ( he only had one before) after all 5 were in the sound was so much more quiet, detailed, natural, powerful, Dynamic with amazing, amazing sound stage depth - width and placement!! (I need more .5's too, I only have 4) Rick showed us how putting the 0.5's with a 3 way outlet splitter that was amazing.
We also tried the 0.5's in other outlets NOT part of the Audio line and we could still hear an improvement. More improvement closer to the Audio though.
Then Rick replaced the UR IC's from DSD DAC to PREamp with a
Pro IC and the sound was impossibly Real. I don't know how to describe
how much better it was. we added another Pro IC from pre to amp and again it was more, much more of indescribably fantastic!!!
THE final step was adding the Pro speaker cable and the sound became painfully too good to be dreamt of, too impossible.(And this is without any break in, I can't imagine what it will sound like in a day, a week, a month!) Painful because now I want something badly that I can never afford. Danger! don't listen to pros if you can't keep them or it may ruin your life. ;-)
We were listening to Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue much of the time. Amazing album if you can hear all of it.
I am sure Norm will do a review once he recovers from the shock and the system has time to cook.
I also got a new UR helix IC yesterday that is just in my system today.
It already sounds wonderful! I will report back in time about that.
Enjoy the Music friends.