Need New MM Cartridge Recommendation

Hello All!

I need a recommendation on a new moving magnet phono cartridge. 

Here's my system:

Roksan Radius 5 (I think MK1 or 2) turntable 
Creek Evolution 100A integrated amplifier with Creek Sequel MM board
PSB Imagine T2 loudspeakers 

The Roksan came with a Roksan Corus Black MM cartridge, which was likely a Goldring manufactured cart.  It was great!  The stylus broke off after about 8 years use. 

I was wondering about the following but am open to all recommendations: 

Clearaudio Maestro (yikes! It's $1200)
Ortofon 2m Black
Goldring carts similar to Corus
Audio Technica AT150MLX

Any insight and recommendations will be super appreciated!

PS:   Sequel 40 mk2 MM Phono pre-amp is the device specifically suited for most types of Moving Magnet cartridges, with an output between 3.5 to 5mV and a matching impedance of 47k Ohms.
Ortofon 2M Black and AT150MLX seem to be much admired, if they fall within financial constraints in terms of cost.
+1  I own both and they indeed excellent.  Since the Corus Black doesn't have a replaceable stylus you could have SoundSmith retip it.

You could always buy a new Corus Black since they are still available.
Thanks folks!

I may want to try something new, so I may avoid the Corus Black--even though it has been soooo great. 

I'd by the Ortofon 2M black in a heartbeat based on reviews if I hadn't spent so much money recently.  Now, I wonder if the AT150MLX will be up to the bill on the Roksan.  
The 2M Black is $755 at authorized US dealers and $513.06 from Germany-based Thakker on eBay. The replacement stylus is $576 domestically and $439 from Thakker on eBay.

You can get the AT150MLX from LpGear and other Atelier outlets for $325. Replacement stylus is $180 from Atelier affiliate LpTunes. It has a MicroLine stylus that lasts much longer than other profiles. So the AT150MLX is both cheaper to acquire and much cheaper to own.

I've been happy with my AT150MLX for eight years now. Every downstream improvement I've made in that time (and there have been many) has resulted in showing even more of what the AT150MLX can do, rather than revealing any shortcomings.

There was a recent thread on a similar topic where one A-goner posted that he had owned both cartridges and preferred the AT.

@jbhiller long time favorite ortofon in MM thread is vintage ORTOFON M20-FL.You will be surprised how good it is. Best buy for the money (if you can find nos). I've bough one and it's a keeper. Outperformed Glanz 31L and many others.