Since the thread is revived, might as well add on...
I was a Proac owner, had the D2, and wanted a pair of floor standers with the new ribbon tweeter. When my local pusher put his D30R demos on clearance, I rushed over with cash in hand planning to bring them home. But while there I made the mistake of auditioning the Wilson Benesch Vertex side by side with the D30R. It wasn't close. I couldn't believe how much better a pair of Vertex monitors sounded than the big D30R. But I couldn't swing the extra cost difference between the D30R and Vertex so I went home empty handed.
That was a D30R vs. Vertex comparison - a D40R vs. Square 3 comparison may have gone differently.
I was a Proac owner, had the D2, and wanted a pair of floor standers with the new ribbon tweeter. When my local pusher put his D30R demos on clearance, I rushed over with cash in hand planning to bring them home. But while there I made the mistake of auditioning the Wilson Benesch Vertex side by side with the D30R. It wasn't close. I couldn't believe how much better a pair of Vertex monitors sounded than the big D30R. But I couldn't swing the extra cost difference between the D30R and Vertex so I went home empty handed.
That was a D30R vs. Vertex comparison - a D40R vs. Square 3 comparison may have gone differently.