$16K new/used speaker question?

Opinions on options for full range, 8ohm, 90db or above speakers. So far I have heard and liked both Devore GibbonX, and Acoustic Zen Crescendo's and really like them both a lot.  I'm using an all BAT tube system with the VK-150se tube amps. Any thing else I should be listening to? I've heard the Wilsons sound great with BAT gear, but on paper they look like they would be really rough on my amps.
As a very happy Daedalus owner (the Ulysses model), I'll second the comment by Dodgealum.  I'll add that their combination of high efficiency, high power handling capability, and an unusually flat impedance curve provides exceptional versatility with respect to amplifier selection.  And I wouldn't be concerned about the fact that the Ulysses and some of the other large Daedalus models are rated at 6 ohms, rather than the 8 ohm rating indicated in your criteria.  The lack of significant variation of their impedance over the frequency range, as well as the lack of significantly capacitive impedance phase angles, result in their 6 ohms being very unchallenging.

The one uncertainty I have relative to your stated criteria, though, relates to your specification of "full range," and what that may mean.  The Ulysses and other similarly sized Daedalus models have bass extension rated to 28 Hz, while I note that the two speakers you referred to are rated to 23 and 20 Hz respectively.  But in the absence of evidence to the contrary I would apply many grains of salt to those and most other specs for speaker bass extension.  Partly because such specs rarely indicate the volume level, distortion level, or anticipated room gain that they are based on (although the Crescendo's specs at least indicate a tolerance, that being +/- 3 db).  And partly because I would not expect most speakers having a pair of 8 or 9 inch woofers to provide bass extension below the mid to upper 20's, at least at realistic volumes and with reasonably low distortion.  Regarding the Ulysses, though, I have made measurements in my room that are very consistent with the specified 28 Hz figure, at reasonably high volumes.

Good luck in your search.  Regards,
-- Al
There are a pair of Vienna Acoustic "The Music" in New Jersey on the sight right now for $14K. I would highly recommend having a conversation with the owner. I have to admit that I have not heard them but everything I have heard from other owners or read about them is, they're magical.
For that price you could get into a pair of used Von Schweikert Anniversary MK 2 speakers. Mine sold quickly at about that price. I owned them for years and they are really exceptional. I left only to upgrade to the $60,000 Von Schweikert VR 55 Aktives. I think they would meet your efficiency standards.Call VSA and they may know of a pair available and can answer any compatibility questions knowledgeably.
Second the new Quads. I have been using 2905's for 10 years now, with no issues - just happy ears.

That’s more power than I’d know what to do with.

I’m driving 102db speakers w/ 8 watt amps.