Why are most speakers designed for robots?

I recently decided to get a used pair of speakers as part of a trade deal and to my amazement, they have performed far better than any of my previous Wilson's, B&W's or Dynaudio speakers.  They are Krell Resolution 2 speakers (my system IS all Krell).  They are just far more realistic tonally, crazy dynamic and have a full sounding warm mid-band.  Bass is crushing with oodles of texture and pitch definition.  Obviously designed for humans who listen to music NOT played back in an anechonic chamber.  It is shocking to me how bad so many high end speakers sound to my ear...all precision and no life, like a robot!
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That's it scott_w....feel like I finally nailed the Audio Nexus, where my analytical brain is satisfied enough to let the rest of my brain be absorbed by the music.  I can really feel like I'm with the musicians in the same space...reinvigorates me and relaxes me at the same time!!
Totally agree with Dave. In the sound vs music spectrum I'm on the music side. Wilsons and other hyper precise gear make detailed sound, require space age set up and only sound good with certain recordings. I am in this game to hear great music - even, gasp, on sub optimal recordings. 
Exactly skoczylas...I have thousands of CD's and not all are audiophile approved.  I am amazed how much detail and air I can get out of the Krell's, just without crossing the line into hyper detailed.
Hi Dave b,  congratulations on the fine krell resolution 2 speaker's,  I agree hugely with your assessment of nearly all high end speaker's,  the speaker's are the one thing I believe is the most over priced products in the entire audio chain,  next would be cable's,  however,  I get way more performance out of cable's that cost the same amount of speaker's,  say  $20,000.00 for an example,  that is why I have cable's listed second here,  and second because of the huge profit margin cable manufacturer's make considering a week of labor, and material cost,  and week of labor if you are getting some hand built exotic cable retailing north of  $25,000.00 for 8ft speaker cable's,  cheers dave.