Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables?

hi, does anyone know of other brands interconnects and speakers cables that have a house sound that's similar to MIT cables? but without those MIT network box? MIT cables sound relax, a tad laid back, yet clear and no veil/curtain between performance and listener, dynamic are natural without harshness.

Thanks for any replies.


When you know the properties of each part in your set, you will understabd why the sound and stage is what you hear.

This makes audio a lot more easy to understand. Most people change a part and don’t know the properties of the part they change. And even don’t know the properties of the older part.

Then audio always will be a big guess. When you bring in those parts which are missing, each set will be more complete. And will sound better.

Audio is all about testing and comparing all the time. And doing this over and over again. This way you collect information about the differences between all the parts. And which properties they own.

When you are aware of the properties of each part of a set, it is much easier to create a more balanced set.

This set will outperform any set which is incomplete. This has nothing to do with personal tatst, but with facts.

Because each set what owns all parts what influence the human emotion is prefered by each single person.

That is why I give a demo and send these clients to listen to other sets. They always come back with the same information....over and over again.

When you are not aware of the properties of each part your set is in almost all situations incomplete. For me it is very easy to explain this to people.

Just by using their well known music and focussing on 1 part you judge sound for. Just part for part. Then it becomes very clear for each person.

I understand that this is a different approach to audio. But I can and have proven that this is far more effective than the 'old fashion' way of creating an audio set!