Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I think with the latest advances in fuse manufacture, that the old adage that "no fuse sounds best" may now be incorrect. But only with patience and a thorough investigation will we some day know.

Say what?  Are you serious?   The more in the chain the more coloration even with SR Black fuses and I'm using a FULL LOOM of them.   This is the reason companies such as CAT and ARC limits the number of fuses in their components.  
I cannot believe that their are some people that think that a fuse cannot make a difference.  Really, so we buy 1000.00 power cords and have a 10 cent power fuse.
I suppose that among the 1226 posts that have appeared in this thread so far there are a few in which it has been asserted that a fuse cannot make a difference.  But I cannot recall any such posts, and I for one, as well as Mapman, have not made any such assertion.

I would add, however, that I would not consider the low price of stock fuses to be a factor that is supportive of the existence of such differences.  Just as I would not rule out the possibility that a lower priced power cord may outperform a higher priced power cord in many applications.

-- Al


I have a Marantz SA11-S2 unit. Remove the three screws at the back of the unit that are along the top edge. The lid needs to be slid back about 1/2 inch and then it will lift straight off. But the lid usually will not move back with just finger strength! There are two outcroppings on the back of the top lid that can be used to put in a flat bladed screwdriver and pull the lid back the necessary 1/2 inch. For me what worked better was to put a very fine flat edge screwdriver in the space at the front of the unit and carefully move the lid backward a fraction of an inch at a time. Put the blade in on the front left, middle and right side to loosen it up.

The main power fuse is by itself, on the left side as you face the front of the unit. You will also see six rail fuses that are 1.6 amp and one amp. Small slo -blow type.
I would upgrade the power fuse first and see if you like the change. Leave the unit on 24/7, and listen critically a week latter. 

If you still have trouble with the lid let me know. It is very rewarding to look inside the unit.

The Marantz really responds to a Synergistic Research Black fuse upgrade.

David Pritchard

In all fairness, as I mentioned earlier,  the fuse I replaced with Synergistic Red in my Audio Research sp16 looked quite substantial and well thought out, not your garden variety fuse to start with.    Why would a company like Audio Research limit performance of their highly regarded products with a 10 cent fuse?    It does not appear that they did.   That fuse surely would cost more, maybe as much as a few bucks even assuming ARC buys their parts in bulk and gets a better price accordingly.

I am suggesting that it may be possible that the new generation Black fuse that has been cryogenically treated, Quantum Tunneled, treated with UEF and Graphene, may sound better than the 3/4 inch piece of wire it replaces. Especially if the wire is ordinary low quality hook up wire. This experiment has not been done to my knowledge.

It may not of course but until the experiment has been done it has not been proven which gives the better sound. It is also possible that there is an optimum number of these fuses for a circuit. More or less or  even no fuses may give the best sound.

In the Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player I replaced the seven fuses in three steps. First the power fuse, next five of the rail fuses and lastly the fuse to the laser assembly. In this exercise I heard an improvement with each series of fuses replaced. I found it particularly interesting that the laser assembly fuse also responded to changing the fuse.

mapman- do not sell your children's intelligence short. My son has no problem with the concept of a fuse changing the sound, just as changing the type of strings on his viola changes the sound.

I wish someone would explain to me how viola strings wear out.  As they age while playing, they at first improve and then get worse. Just like many audio components.


I only wish I could go as fast as my daughter. She is singer-dancer in the high school show  choir and in the school band's drum line. One of the few female drummers in the school band!

As you might guess, at my house I do not lack Live Music to see how my audio system is performing.

David Pritchard