How important for surrounds to match fronts?

I'm getting aerial 10t's and an aerial center . Was thinking of klipsch ksp s-6 for surrounds since the aerial surrounds are out of reach
I personally care nothing for multi music surround, but rather only movie surround. That said, by far, I find that effective diffuse dipolar or similar type surrounds - which are EQd out from the main processor, to match the timber n response of the mains - which envelope the listening area, are of more importance than matching or identical speakers all around. But to each his own. (Surrounds at most movie theaters not same as fronts either!?)
The main fronts n center are BY FAR the most important for anchoring the front soundstage, n carying the content, IMO. The surrounds are mostly for carrying secondary ambiance cues,and should be placed so as to not be localizeable, create a large diffuse side and rear soundstage, and for "fill" (as a priority order, that is -minimumally speaking). Thankfully, it's also most impractical to place larger, even full range, direct firing traditional loud speakers up on rear walls n ceilings, anyway.. Not to mention decor eyesore!
Yes, mostly match main fronts, n work on system set up n integration, proper crossover response n placement, and EQing, I say. let the diehard audiophile music only lovers worry about 5 or more matching speaks! The wife or girlfriend will never love it anyway, otherwise.
My opinion, if you want to achieve the movie experience like/better than the theatres in your home in a medium to large space to work with, you will need horns and the less crossover and calibration the better as it is all filtering holding back dynamics and natural quality. If speakers are chosen correctly, crossovers and calibration will be minimal. Identical speakers/drivers are best for timber matching across the range. Dipole speakers beside or behind listening position or both are beneficial to surround duty. Carpet or cork is good for flooring and paneling behind front speakers on wall and in back corners work extremely well. A suitable sub(s) are the icing on the system for low bass duties. Placement is critical with sub(s) as to smoothen out the low end. In the end if this achieved, everyone will come to your house for movies instead of paying and waiting at the local theatre. Enjoy and cheers!!
not real important. The center is the most important for 7.1 with the r/l being second. Surrounds are nice to have similar but the amount of sound coming from them is so small compared to the fronts. Dont cheap on the center or go Phantom on the R/L and dont sweat the surrounds.
We sit pretty close to the apex of an equilateral triangle with the front LR speakers. I removed the center channel because the mains (KEF 107/2s) image so well dialog is intelligible and seems to follow the speaker. Placing a matching speaker in the center of a projection screen would be impractical and is unnecessary.