I am glad you tried the Synergistic Research RED fuse. As you did not hear an improvement I hope you were able to send it back for a refund.
I have done a lot of tube rolling and enjoy that part of the hobby. In the 6SL7Gt family, I am sure I have over 10 types. Of those the 1959 Hamburg Germany, Valvo, and the Italian Fivre do something special in the Zana Deux amp. The Tung Sols, National Unions, RCAs, Sylvanias,Brimars, Mullards, CBS, Hyltrons, etc.not as much change. Unlike the Red and Black fuses discussed in this thread, none came with a 30 day trial.
It is interesting that not many people seems to think that tube rolling is a fool's errand . I think rolling tubes , fuses and A/C wall outlets all change the sound in my systems.
I also think Power cords can change the sound of a system especially once one begins evaluating products not of the entry level category.
I find it interesting and sometimes money and time saving to read what others have tried. Especially those who make changes in a systematic way and then have the talent to articulate the sonic changes they experience. None of us have the time to try all the tubes, fuses , or power cords out there.
Because of this thread I have tried the Black fuses and they have improved the sound of my systems. So I reported my results.
At Head-Fi.com I read about 6SL7GT tubes used in the Zana Deux amp. I tried a lot of the tubes and reported what I heard.
I hope you will list the components that did not respond to the SR RED fuse. It is possible you will save other owner's of the same equipment some time and money.
I do not understand when some people experience a different result than others, they feel compelled to cast negativity towards those persons.
Thank you for listing your components that responded to the SR Black fuse. I do think publishing specific component results will be helpful to future readers of this thread.
David Pritchard