How do you prepare for a record show?

I have one coming in my area within a week.

I gone through many shows. At first I just attended. Later, I had some sort of idea as to what I wanted. Later again, I had become more aware of what might be accomplished by having a strategy.

So, given my enlightened history, and taking into consideration your thoughts, how do you currently approach an upcoming show?

One thing I do is limit my spending by having a certain amount brought with me.

I do think that now, I need to narrow things down to original pressings from the UK and the like... mono vs stereo..?
I make a short list of interesting items and, "stick to it".

Any other thought?


Since boxer12 has limited posts here, I really did not know how to "take" that response.

Having said that, I do think that making a "somewhat" positive contribution to another's post is not too much to ask.

No, this isn't as serious as climbing K2, but this isn't a forum for climbers either, so that comparison isn't valid IMO.

We have expressed our opinions here in several ways that equal DEEP feelings and extensive money outlay. So, I do think that most who take music reproduced well in their homes with the above thoughts, do want to have their posts taken "somewhat" in the same vein as they tried to express.

I'm OK with boxer's post, I find it just a little concerning, (given my reasoning above), that others find some fault with me expressing my  feelings about it?


I, most times, try to inject humor into my posts. I seriously doubt it's been recognized though.

This remindeds me of Good Fellows. When Joe Peschie remarks to Ray Liotta.. "You think I'm funny? Do I amuse you? No, Tell me, you said I'm funny... tell me how I'm funny? You think, I'm a funny guy?

See! I can be funny as well!

Boxer12.. Welcome. I hope you have a great day. Peace!
..ok...I should at least get some points for being able to quote Good Fellows. from memory? Right?
How do you prepare when shopping at used record stores?

How do you prepare when grocery shopping in a supermarket?
Based on experience attending various shows over the years I would suggest the following preparation (clearly, other attendees that I've run into have undertaken this strategy):

1) No bathing for at least one week prior to the event. You want to be really ripe when you're there. 

2) Dirty clothes adds to the effect of above. 

3) Be sure to wear pants that are at least 1-2 sizes smaller than you would normally. This will ensure lots of exposure of bum cleavage when you're bending down and pawing through the dollar records on the floor, even on the stands. Lots of bum cleavage. 

Do the above and you'll be sure to have lots of room and free reign to corner the selections you really want. Nobody else will want to get too close, leaving you with prime selection.