I have to add that since some years I tried different combos.
If you do not biamp a very high current like the old Threshold SA series is a must. They sounded best at my home with the SA/2 monos.
Still the best sweetness and natralness came with an Audio Research SP-10 preamp as well as with an Counterpoint SA-5 or SA-5.1.
For costs I am not biamplyfing but I have a total of 56 kg power amps to drive them and they sing very beautifully.
I have tried different biamping suggestestions also with tube amps but sooner or later I came back to the SA/2 monos.
Only if you use very expensive tube on full range it will sound better like the Audio Research M-300, Conrad Johnson Premier Fives and of course a VTL Deluxe 300, nothing really very cheap of course.
You might still get the best results with biamplificatio or if you cannot biamply use very high current designs back from the past.
I have to add that not any biampliciation sounds best. You need to try and find it out.
Biamplication however with very good amps is less necessary if you have a killer preamp.
I hope this all helps. Long time no discussion here!
If you do not biamp a very high current like the old Threshold SA series is a must. They sounded best at my home with the SA/2 monos.
Still the best sweetness and natralness came with an Audio Research SP-10 preamp as well as with an Counterpoint SA-5 or SA-5.1.
For costs I am not biamplyfing but I have a total of 56 kg power amps to drive them and they sing very beautifully.
I have tried different biamping suggestestions also with tube amps but sooner or later I came back to the SA/2 monos.
Only if you use very expensive tube on full range it will sound better like the Audio Research M-300, Conrad Johnson Premier Fives and of course a VTL Deluxe 300, nothing really very cheap of course.
You might still get the best results with biamplificatio or if you cannot biamply use very high current designs back from the past.
I have to add that not any biampliciation sounds best. You need to try and find it out.
Biamplication however with very good amps is less necessary if you have a killer preamp.
I hope this all helps. Long time no discussion here!