Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Congratulations on the Clayton Shaw speakers. I have heard his products at several audio shows and they are high performing with a much greater sound quality/ cost ratio than many other products

I do hope as many as possible readers of this thread will available themselves to one of the upcoming audio shows in your area. Chicago in April, and Newport Beach, California in June. This is a wonderful way to meet the designers - builders -and users of this equipment we consider adding to our systems. I find them extremely educational. Many have good demonstrations of how their products will affect a system's sound. Synergistic Research demonstrates their products in a 30 minute demonstration. It allows you to hear (or not hear ) what and how much a device changes the sound. Nordost and Magnaplan have very good demonstrations. Other rooms are walk in or out at will. Different approaches abound.

I still think it was very neat to go to Newport Beach a few years ago and talk one on one with the lead designer of the Sennheiser 800 headphones, which I had just recently bought. Not designed by a German soulless committee in white coats.

So go to an audio show!


Getting nearer to the Type 45 tube shootout: NOS RCA versus EML solid plate. Both tubes at hand but I have to reconfigure the equipment rack to try the EML's which are taller. Maybe I should use Elvis with the RCA's and Frankie Yankovick (polka) with the Czech made EML's!

David Pritchard
David ...

Looking forward to meeting you at Newport. I'm planning on spending considerable time in the SR room. I want to hear all of their new products. Have you had the opportunity to here the effects of the XOT Carbon crossover transducers yet? That's a product I'm really curious about. 

I'm listening to the  David Leisner CD downloaded from Spotify as I write this. Two of my favorite instruments ... guitar & cello. Thanks for the recommendation David. It sounds really good through my Audioengine 2+ powered speakers via my computer.  Now I have to get an Audioengine subwoofer to fill things out a bit. *lol*  Does it ever end?

One of the things I'm really enjoying about this thread is all of the input and suggested material from music lovers posting here. I sincerely believe that love of music is what this hobby is all about. The more we improve our systems, the closer we get to the music. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter ...


I do have faith in tweaks that have worked for me, but in order for me even try something It has to pass a logic test with a basis in reality…there's a hyper promotion vibe in this thread that seems purchased, and that permeates and taints the whole thing…the "don't think about it, just send in your MONEY" just ain't enough to get me to part with 20 times what I think fuses should cost so I can join a club. Think about it…FUSES…come on now…think about it….
wolf-garcia  ....

All I'm thinking about at this point is your illogical  conclusions in your attempt at being logical and rational. 

If there is a "hyper promotion vibe" in this thread, its there because of the great things these fuses, especially the Black fuses, have done for the vast majority of those posting here.  What you are calling a "hyper promotion vibe," is nothing more than the overwhelming enthusiasm being expressed by appreciative users of these fuses. 

If you're looking for logic and a basis in reality, here's your logic and basis in reality for you .... 99 out of 100 users say that this product has worked for them. Many have said that the results have been outstanding. These are not Johnny-come-lately audiophiles saying this stuff. On the contrary, most of us posting here have been in the hobby for many years. Over 40 years for me. And, if you would take the time to read this thread from the beginning, you'll discover that we know our music and we know our sound systems. 

There is no "club." Just a bunch of happy customers spreading the word. And much to my delight, the thread has turned out to be a bunch of guys engaging enjoying a positive camaraderie with newly found friends, all pursuing a common interest, and that is better reproduced music in our homes.  

Are the fuses expensive? Well that depends upon one's perspective. Personally, for the results obtained in MY system, I'd say they are worth more than the asking price. Now then, they may cost a few pennies to produce ... but that's not the relevant issue here. The issue is, does the end consumer consider the product to be worth the $120.00 shelled out for the fuse ... and is the seller happy to part with the fuse for $120.00. As long as both parties (buyer and seller) feel they got a fair shake, then that's a fair deal. Its the way free markets work. 

On you "parting with money" .... So far you haven't spent a dime, nor would you have to if you're not satisfied with the product. That's what the 30 day trial is all about. 

Okay, at your suggestion I've thought about it ... it is a fuse ... just a fuse. But what if I told you that these fuses have given me more benefit relevant to improving the sound in my system than four Shatki Holograms at  $1,500 a pair? Or a bigger improvement than going from KT-120s to KT-150's in my amp at $100.00 each? Or a bigger improvement than upgrading my amp from a RE-75 to a REF-75-SE? Would you believe me? You should, because its true.

Please don't confuse anything I've written here as an attempt to get you to try the SR Fuses. What you try and what you don't try is of no interest to me at all at this point. Its very evident that when it comes to the fuses, you are in possession of a mind that is slammed shut. What a shame. You could be getting a hell of a benefit for the outlay of $120.00 for a tweak that if spent elsewhere in your system would COST YOU 20 TIMES AS MUCH.  
Take care ... 
Let’s do the math. Assume for the moment a good fuse like the Black fuse can double the performance of a well tuned system. Let’s also assume a good fuse might only provide a 10% improvement in a system that is not tweaked and tuned! but right out of the box. This is representative of what I like to call the Last Tweak Syndrome, why folks who have been tuning and tweaking a long time experience much greater results with fuses or any new tweak than those who might be trying a tweak for the first time, or may only have a limited number of tweaks in the system.

The Last Tweak Syndrome explains why audiophiles frequently get absolutely off the scale results with the latest thing they do. But the reason is not necessarily that the thing is that much better than an earlier tweak from many years before but because the system is now at a much higher level of performance. Thus the latest tweak is much more audible and much more effective. Because many of the problems with the system - problem that are inherent in any system - that were holding it back had been solved by all the tuning and tweaking that went before.

The Last Tweak Syndrome, however, can give the false impression that this is about as good as it’s going to get. What can possibly outdo the Latest Tweak? Have users of Black Fuse felt inclined to try the next big tweak? Probably not. That overwhelming feeling that there’s only 3-5% left until perfection is reached looms large with the last big tweak. Of course that’s not true, it’s only a psychological ceiling. Thus, if one had put in a good fuse BEFORE another tweak, say Shakti Hallographs, he might very well have reached a different conclusion. He might declare Shakti Hallographs the greatest thing ever. The Last Tweak Syndrome also explains why some folks have less than stellar results with fuses or any tweak; there are still too many problems in the system for the device under test to be effective, relatively speaking. It’s swamped out or masked by the noise and distortion.

Do the math. No matter how much you have in the end you would have had even more if you had started out with more in the beginning. If you were striving to DOUBLE the performance wouldn’t it be better to double the performance of a system that was at 90% of it’s PEAK performance than if it was only at say 80% of it’s PEAK performance?

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
advanced audio concepts