A shout-out to friends of the forum jafreeman, davidprithart, and mikirob who weighed in on a comment or two of mine in an affirmative way. Guys, my main passion in life is jazz music and a fine system with which to hear it, within the limitations of my living space and budget. Literature is a passion, too, which I can enjoy the with the music. I live for music. As I point a finger at myself, never should we music lovers find ourselves at unfriendly odds over silly issues like the debate over fuses and create ill-will toward one another with our strongly-held views as to what is right and what is wrong with a particular tweak, for example. I responded irresponsibly in this thread to folks who love their upgraded fuses and I find myself now realizing that there are many paths to sonic pleasures and we must all let out ears (and pocketbooks) be our guide. Still, if you have a BS Meter working in your head, be wary of anything that GK posts about tweaks or more particular, anything that the sells. That is my best advice.
Peace and love, Whitestix