Magneplanar speaker terminals. is there an adapter to....

I was looking at a photo of the back of Magneplanar .7 speakers.  They still use those dumb speaker terminals that will not accept a higher end banana plug, (possibly a twisted up spade lug)... Therefore, does anyone know if there is an adapter that works with their terminals and allows larger banana plugs to be used, or  simple spade lugs.  The company  makes great speakers, but is living in the Stone Age when it comes speaker terminals.   Thank you .
Jim, any regular sized banana plug will fit into the the Magnepan terminals. If you tighten them down, they might ruin the banana plug a little. You just need to be sure to back the set screw out all the way.

Magnepan sells an adapter to use spade lugs:

The reason they still use these terminals is because the best connector is no connector and if you can use bare wire, these terminals are fantastic.  And because they need to ship the speakers as flat as possible and regular binding posts would be stick out to far.  The factory posts can be, pretty easily, replaced with regular binding posts if you want.

I agree that most audiophile cables will have terminations, but again, if can use bare wire, these work great.
If you don't mind altering your speaker cables, Cardas makes Magy Pins (which replace spades or banana plugs) specifically for the Magnepan terminals.