cable and interconnect advice?

I am the proud new owner of a brand new set of acoustic zen adagios ..wahoo.
i run a nu vista m3 hybrid amp
nu vista cd3 morrow ma4
vpi classic benzo
and as of now have 8tc kimber
any thoughts? i have an option to snag a set of tara lab one cables ?
or go for mr lees absolutes.
i would like to get a used pair prefferabley 1-1.5 meter
dont really wanna go over 500 bks so used may be best ,my 8tc kimbers
mostly classic rock,jazz and progressive
Stringreen, previously you have been a proponent of Anti Cables which would fit into oleschool's budget.  Have you had a change of heart?

I use Herron Audio cables throughout my system.  I never feel like I need an upgrade.  Inexpensive and very effective.
I can get a 2 meter pair of tara lab one for 800 .. I spoke to mr lee who was very nice and he offered me a big discount on his cables .. I know alot is hype and become diminishing return in my opinion .. It becomes too much for the middle road guy .. I would like to be in the 500 range new of used . I will probly biwire from my amp to the single post on speakers if getting them made .. My amp is set up for it 
oleschool you are absolutely right about diminishing returns.  So many of us buy too much cable for our components.  You have a nice system - get to know it better with your new speakers and then decide after time what you feel you are missing or would like different.  Because no matter how much you spend on cables most of the time you do not get "better" but "different."  At least marginally - you can get better but the the larger degree of change is just different.  And component, room, cable matching varies greatly from audiophile to audiophile.  You will notice (I have bee guilty myself)  a lot of cables guys swear by have been replaced by new cables they swear by.   

I have been doing this and buying and selling for a long time - this is my strategy.