Power cables for PassLabs preamp and poweramp

I just setup my pass xp20 pre and xa30.5 class A amp, finally moved n unboxed everything after 15 months.  I been wanting 2 try some new pc I now have nordost---soundstrings---AQ----n just bought a shunyata ps 8 package----I find the venom defender does not sound good with the pass equipment.

Those r just a few of the PC I have used in the past, I have been advised 2 go with the Shunyata PC.
I would be thankful for ur input.....I also just ordered Maplewood 4" speaker plinths for my Gallo speakers
because I now have a concrete floor 4 the first time-------player is oppmodwright full mods. 

I will....was suppose 2 get a tracking # from WyWires on
Monday never received it......as far as my Maplewood
speaker plinths from mapleshade which I ordered on
3/22/16 also waiting.....I have dealt with them before
2 make wood speakers stands about 10 years ago....

I waited over 3 months no stands so I cancelled that
order.....they said on there site for these plinths 1 or
2 weeks for shipping......plus they were going 2 get
in touch with Gallo 2 find out what size spike fits this
speaker......because they r ready for spikes but do
come with spikes.....instead Gallo gave some gel type crap
2 put under all 4 corners.....so 8 spikes r costing me
another $280...... but I really want the 4" Maplewood
plinths so I am going 2 wait whatever it takes....Henry

it is imperative to post both positive & negative experiences when dealing w/ these companies. Keep me posted and Happy Listening!

 I called WyWires about n hour ago n spoke 2 Alex,
 he said he was sorry n that they ran low on plugs
 n could not get them form there reg supplier ......

so they had 2 order from someone else n should
have them tomorr...... I don't mind...sometimes
life happens n we miss a beat.....Henry