MAC Book Pro Computer vs Aurender N100h vs Aurender N10 Music Servers

I am considering replacing my MAC Book Pro Computer with the Aurender N100h music server. The N100h has received great reviews, has quality construction, provides Tidal support and offers the convenience of using an iPad. My local dealer "highly recommends" I consider the Aurender N10 music server OVER the Aurender N100h server. He feels the N10 would sound much better than my current MAC Book Pro Commuter or the N100h. He said the N100h would only be marginal better than my MAC Book Pro. To be honest, I was really considering the N100h because of its sound quality, construction and my budget.

However, based on the reviews, etc., I am sure the Aurender N10 sounds great but it costs $8,000 (expensive). I found one N100h review that said “ ….Not one single combination of Mac Mini & peripheral devices has so far bested the sound of Aurender’s N100H; a digital audio streamer/server that comes pre-loaded with: 1) audiophile-approved 120Gb solid state hard drive (for cached playback); 2) custom 35 Watt linear power supply; 3) low noise USB output. Check one, check two, check three”.

This is probably not a fair comparison since the N10 cost is $8k and the N100h cost is $3k. What are your comments about replacing my MAC Book Pro Computer with either the N10 or the N100h? Has anyone replaced their MAC Book Pro with one of these Aurender servers?

And, yes, I plan on visiting my local store shortly to hear both the N10 and the N100h. My current MAC Book Pro computer is connected to my Bricasti M1 DAC connected to my Hypex NCore NC400 Bridged mono blocks class D power amplifiers and my Sonus Faber Olympic II Speakers.   The 4 NC400 power amplifiers (2 amps per side) were modified (4 R141 chips removed) to match to the volume control in the Bricasti M1 DAC (running DAC direct to amp, no pre-amplifier).   Thanks.

This morning I started the iPad and my favorites are not displayed. When I hit the playlist favorites, my favorites should be there but they are not. Instead my 8 playlist favorites are shown. When I hit the playlist tab, nothing is shown.

I deleted the Aurender app, powered down and re-installed the app. There is no change. I did it again with the same result.

Previously, the albums I made favorites were displayed using the favorites tab and my 8 favorite playlists were under the playlist tab.

I searched for an album and made it a favorite.  I cannot find it under favorites. I emailed Aurender customer support for assistance. I verified that I am using the current software.  Is anyone else having this problem?

I have been using an Autonomic MMS-5A server for a while now and my audio dealer is trying to get me interested in the Aurender N10 as a replacement.

The Autonomic has some really good features, the iPad app works pretty well, it integrates with my iTunes library (app copies the content to the internal hard drive), and they recently added a feature to automatically back up content to my Google Drive account.  But the sound quality of the Aurender appears to possibly be superior.

Please keep this thread going, I'm enjoying the exchange, would possibly do the upgrade, if I know what challenges I'd be in for.

I'd probably take the coax or optical output into my DAC, USB is in use from my laptop.
Aurender Customer Support solved the missing album favorites problem with their 2nd email today.  I did NOT know that Aurender CHANGED the INTERFACE to use a STAR and not the word favorites like it was before.

In other words, regarding the albums selected as favorites, there is a NOW a star and this is how you select your favorite albums.  Aurender changed Favorites to star in case there are many

Note that the iPad display is showing the letter “A” for Aurender (CD's) and there is a small box to the right used to switch to Tidal Streaming.

Aurender Customer Support is very prompt and is excellent. Thanks.
Following the posts, the sound from the Aurender n10 was preferred over the n100h.  Was the n10 using spdif and the n100 using usb?
Hi Cerrot,  I listened to the Aurender N100h using the USB cable and manually switched to the Aurender N10 Music Server using the same USB cable.   I did not test using the spdif connections (USB only).   In my opinion, the Aurender N100h was good but the Aurender N10 sound quality was much better.  I immediately heard the sound differences between the two units.

I used my own music and switched back and forth several times to ensure I was hearing correctly.  I purchased the Aurender N10 for its sound quality over the N100h.   As I stated above, I like my Aurender N10 very much and highly recommend it for its excellent sound quality and Aurender's outstanding customer service.  They were very helpful solving all the problems I discussed above.  Okay?