Adding sub to Sonus Faver Guarneri Evolutions...need advice where to set crossover on sub

As the title say, I recently pulled the trigger on a Rel T/5i sub to pair with my Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution monitors. Ultimately when funds allow again I will add another sub. For now, I only have 1.  I have a small room that is 9x10x9 with the back wall only being 3’ tall, above that the room opens up to my family room and kitchen. I listen at fairly low volumes, no more than 75dbs typically. The Evolution speakers start to roll off at 72hz and its -6db point is 43hz. Its -3db point is around 60hz. Any advice on where set the crossover on the Rel would be appreciated.

As you also said first pick 0 or 180 which ever sounds best then move the sub back or bring forward a few inches to get what’s in-between to further get it in phase.

Cheers George

Thanks guys. I am going to have to read up and get a better understanding of phase and how to test for correct phasing.  
@tboooe I just used my ears but will admit I thought I had it right a couple of times.
I followed the setup procedure outlined by REL.  My B1 integrates well with my Auditor Ms.  My phasing is at 0. 
Your OP question is very difficult to answer. I would suggest bringing in the sub at about 50Hz. This is where the SF's tend to get a little weak. However, the room plays such a large part, that experimentation ( and lots of it) is the word of the day, IMHO.