I find the tech specs of  LITTELFUSE very informative,enlightening and reassuring.
I am considering using them on my treasured reference level SPECTRAL electronics.
Anyone with experience using or EE level comments? Many thanks. Music lover and long time
audiophile, Peter.
Roger Modjeski of Music Reference only uses that brand of fuses in his amps & specs them very carefully for each model amp.  Roger is quite outspoken about the perils of using "high end tuning fuses" & does not recommend them for his equipment.
Pretty sure Audio Magic uses LITTELFUSE as the basis for their aftermarket fuses, Super Fuse and Beeswax Fuse. Although if that’s true I imagine LITTELFUSE would probably not go along with the whole idea of filling the inside of the fuse with liquid or beeswax not to mention whatever else Audio Magic does to the fuse. And I suspect LITTELFUSE wouldn’t go along with cryogenic treatment of their fuses or even experimenting with fuse directionality. One can’t help wondering if LITTELFUSE even heard of wire directionality? Most likely not.

geoff kait
Oh boy pehare, you have just stepped on a landmine! Roger doesn’t get much respect around these parts (ha, unintentional pun ;-).
Peter, you’ve probably seen various references I’ve made to Littelfuse datasheets in the thread on SR fuses. And yes, Littelfuse is definitely to be commended for the very comprehensive, technically unimpeachable, and confidence inspiring information they provide on their fuses.

I have no doubt that Littelfuses of the same current ratings, voltage ratings, fast/slow ratings, and physical size as the ones in your equipment would provide proper protection, and would also not blow when they shouldn’t. As to how the resulting sonics would compare with either the stock fuses that are used in your components or with SR or other audiophile-oriented fuses, in the absence of reports from a variety of users who have performed careful, thorough, and unbiased direct comparisons in a variety of components and circuit applications (e.g., both AC mains fuses and DC rail fuses), I don’t think anyone can do more than speculate. And I think it can be expected that more often than not audiophile speculation will be in the direction of assuming that solid engineering and low price = inferior sonics.

Best regards,
-- Al