I hate when this happens ......

I was on business last week and I stopped in to visit a very nice high end shop where the people were actually very nice and cordial. I listened to a pair of Marten Django L speakers. ( these were are the XL 's )  and was very impressed at the sound. Musical and dynamic and yet not clinical or sterile. A very well built speaker for about $10,000. I just paid off my Sonus Faber Olympica III's which are not inexpensive.....and did that ; hmmm for a moment. What impressed my was the musicality and no surprise that Sonus Faber does have house sound as all speakers do, but the Marten's just seemed to allow the listener, me, to see deeper in the music. So if any owners of the Sonus Faber's and Marten Django L's care to shed some light I would like to hear from you. I hate when this happens......     
It happens all the time. When I first started demoing speakers I brought my Mission/Cyrus 782's with me. The day I heard the SF Cremora auditor M I said that's the sound I want but at the time wasn't ready to spend 7K. I kept looking until I heard Dyn C1's. Very similar to the SF but more dynamic with deeper lows with slightly clearer mids IMO. So I bought them. Couple of years went by and when Dyn released the MKII/Signature I bought the sig's without even hearing them (loved the mocca finish which were on some Sapphires). Glad I did because with both the SF and original C1's they sounded best when you turned them way up. The sig's sounded great at mid listening levels and up. I never thought I would ever get rid of them. Then my local dealer picked up the Raidho line. After hearing both the D1 and the D3 I was ruined. It was a sound presentation and quality/clarity like nothing I ever heard. 
This should be expected whenever the audiophile goes to dealerships or shows. There are hundreds of superb sounding systems out there. Some will connect better than the one we are currently using. 

You have a choice; either put more money and time into redoing your rig, or buy the speakers. But, there is no guarantee those speakers will sound better with your gear. The shop has optimized the system, whereas unless you buy the entire rig you will have to go through the same process via a different route. 

Frankly, the considered change looks to me more like a sideways move than a big step up. You will lose some attributes of the SF in the process, and you may regret it. Both are very nice speakers, but you may wish to redo your electronics and cables to achieve better results. My guess is you haven't come close to maximizing the speaker you currently own. 
Its just a new flavor which too will be tiresome ....you will then like your Sonus speakers until you tire of them....then.....its a vicious circle.

douglas nailed it. What you hear at the showroom may not and probable wont sound the same once you get it in your system. IC's and speaker cables can make a huge difference in the existing system that you have.

Power cables and conditioning can also have an impact.