All too frequently however, people try to solve architectural (design) problems with band aids. This is not to diminish the importance of parts quality, and parts (whether it’s fuses or cables or anything else)...
Here's an example of an architectural/design problem:
A poorly designed power supply regulation circuit that sends hash into the signal. The band aid fix? A cable with a rolled off top end to hide the problem. It's like turning up the volume on your car radio to mask the sound of your wheel bearing.
The real fix. A competent design. Fix the problem at the source.
A good cable (or fuse) is just that - a good component and I'm all in favor of that. What I'm lobbying for is to address as much as possible in the design of the product. I'd hope that you're on board with that concept.
The problem here is of course, what's a poor audiophile to do? Not everyone has design skills to identify the true source of the problem and as a result, they take a buckshot approach to solving it. I wish I could propose a solution to this conundrum.
Thom @ Galibier Design