First, I just love the sound of R2R Multibit D to A convertors for doing Redbook (PCM) conversion, as they do it "bit perfect" compared to any Delta Sigma (DSD) based cdp/dacs I’ve heard, which always seem to disappoint me on Redbook replay. And the Linn CD12 is R2R Multibit having 4x PCM1704k dacs.
It sound is very very good, smooth detailed and extended both ends, with very good slam and presences. It has what Linn calls "Pratt" others call it bounce, which to me is a better description, and it’s sound staging and imaging is first rate.
It’s a very, very good player, that does some things a little better than my heavily modified Cary 303/200 which also uses the PCM1704K dacs and the same buffer output. Though my Cary does dynamic punch a bit better again, which I bring down too the feedback free A844 I/V stage I used in it. I may try to put that I/V stage in the Linn one day (bit of a job) to see if that improves it again, but at the moment I’m very happy with it’s sound. Thanks for asking.
BTW: Can’t believe this player was over $30k here in Australia. Sure is built like a brick shithouse.
Cheers George