Audio Visual Therapy........Exceptional service

I just wanted to say thanks to Mark and John at Audio Visual Therapy in Nashua New Hampshire.

I went there with my father to find a replacement for his 15 year old B&K Ref 20. He had some issues with BluRay soundtracks cutting in and out so it was clear a receiver with the latest codecs was in order. It was my first time there, I live in Massachusetts but it was well worth the drive.

They do home theater but they have a really great selection of 2 channel gear on display. They carry some great lines, Classe, KEF,B&W, C-J, Linn, NAD, Paradigm and Anthem. Plus the best headphone demo room I've ever seen.

Mark spent a great deal of time with us and is very knowledgeable, he's been in the biz a long time. I'm a 2 channel guy and he got me up to speed on the latest codecs and was able to answer every question.

We ended up taking home an Anthem MRX 510, it was perfect for my dad. After running a HDMI monitor out under the floor and new speaker wiring he was up and running in no time.

A great experience overall and I will keep them first in mind now when I get the itch to upgrade.
Great place. Both John and Mark are extremely helpful. They also carry Totem, including all the new Elements and the Kin line, as well as Aerial speakers and Bryston electronics. They have evening Open Houses with many reps and principles there. Vince Bruzzese from Totem and Michael Kelly from Arial are regulars. Dave from Record Genie also cleans vinyls there and will also pick up and deliver to the store. And, they do trade-ins. Brick and mortar store with all the latest gear, 2 channel, home theater and headphones. All this is tax free NH.

No relationship with them, except as a long time customer.

Good to see anyone selling hifi is still in business, and that there are still people willing to pay a premium, even top dollar, for AV gear!
I, personally, shop the mega ginormous, bargain basement, 10c on the dollar, readily accessible used market, myself ..soooooo I dunno what that's like anymore.
Must be awesome to sling hugh cash for hi end items that are worth exactly half of what you paid over the counter for em, the second they get unboxed at the house!
FUN COUPONS!! do they stil do it? No really...
Hey, I buy used gear too... but sometimes I buy new. I don't understand why you would post such a stupid, smart ass remark like that. It's guys like you that give this hobby a black eye....I was praising one of the last places around where you can actually listen and they spend quality time without rushing you to purchase something you don't need or steer you toward something you can't afford. Just decent guys giving outstanding service. Don't derail my thread with your bullshit. You belong with those douches over at AudioKarma .