ground the outlet or not??

Guys - I have the Equi-tech cabinet mount power center with an earth ground- I am about to install the Furutech NCF outlets and someone mentioned to me that I should NOT hook up the ground wires to the Furutech outlet- Just cut it off before the  outlet box-box- Does this make sense or not - thks
Agree, keep the grounds but if your EquiTech has GCFI breakers you should consider defeating them. When I had a 10WQ I was continually having to reset the breakers as other household appliances triggered them. For audio needs the GFCI is not really needed and it is simple enough to take them out of the circuit. This fix was recommended by EquiTech after I contacted them. 
Guys - I have the Equi-tech cabinet mount power center with an earth ground
Earth ground? No it ties Neutral and safety ground at the output like all good isolation transformers should. Neutral and ground are electrically the same point. But 1 carries current and the other is for safety AND should only be tied together at a single point. The exceptions are isolation transformers and uninterruptible power supplies.  

Keep the outlet grounded
I have the furutech gtx-rhodium NCF outlet's and the original furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's,  I don't know who told you what you posted fluffers,  I have all three connected to my outlet's,  sounds alot better than a hot and neutral only connection,  as a matter of fact,  I  believe it is essential to have a dedicated power box straight from the power poll just for a system,  not ever sharing a ground with the house! 
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