I find the tech specs of  LITTELFUSE very informative,enlightening and reassuring.
I am considering using them on my treasured reference level SPECTRAL electronics.
Anyone with experience using or EE level comments? Many thanks. Music lover and long time
audiophile, Peter.
"You can also measure the effects of a fuse, however we’ve not been able to measure any effects of the boutique fuses as being any different than the regular ones, assuming that they were indeed the right rating. All that I’ve ever used is a regular 3 1/2 digit DVM."

When you say "we've not been able to measure any effects of the boutique fuses..." you’re probably not referring to HiFi Tuning, you know, that squirrely aftermarket fuse company that published third party fuse measurements on their web site. They measured some of the various HIFi Tuning fuses, other fuses, including stock off the shelf fuses, in both directions and cryo'd and in cryo'd. 

Geoffkait:  I've never been able to navigate HiFiTuning's website, even using Google Translate on Chrome.  Perhaps you could post a direct link?

Ralph:  With respect to power cords, I suspect that a lot more is going on than resistance/voltage drop.  If we had the time to play with this, I suspect we'd find inductance, capacitance and shielding would play as significant (if not more) of a role as resistance.

I've done the solid core, household wiring power cord experiment, and the results weren't all that good.  It might be worth repeating this one, however.

Nonoise, thanks for providing the link. As some here will recall, the HiFi Tuning measurements were discussed extensively several years ago in the very lengthy "Fuses That Matter" thread. I provided comments on those measurements in a number of posts in that thread, most notably in my post about 3/4 of the way down on this page, dated 5-14-2012, 11:24 am EDT.

Thom, in addition to his comments above about power cord resistance/voltage drop, in a number of past threads Ralph has also emphasized that a power cord should provide bandwidth extending up into the tens of kHz, especially in the case of power amplifiers (since as I’m sure you realize their current draw typically consists of narrow spikes of high amplitude during a relatively small fraction of the 60 Hz cycle). And as you mentioned shielding also figures to be a significant factor in many cases.

I would add, though, that low resistance and hence low voltage drop, wide bandwidth, and good shielding in a power cord can be obtained at much less than kilobuck prices.

-- Al

P.S: BTW, Thom, I like your taste in speakers :-) (Mine are Daedalus Ulysses, which when I was last aware were your reference speakers).

Al, Thanks for providing the link to the HiFi Tuning data discussion of yore and thanks to no noise for the link to the data sheets. I went back and read the page of the discussion of the HiFi Tuning data this morning and was surprised to see it had been discussed to such an extent here. Even with all that has happened in the interim, you know, with the Red Fuse, the Black fuse, the Audio Magic Super Fuse and so forth, the skeptics are still holding their position. Looks like were not going to be able to take the Ant Hill.