Your not a serious audiophile I'd you have??????

Let's start a coversation kinda tongue in cheek about this question. Also lets comment on the other way around . Your not a serious audiophile if you don't have ????? I will post my thoughts after several others have posted. Mike
"Posts older than 30 minutes cannot be edited" Oh wise guy, I see how its like. I finally catch one in time then get denied.  
You're not a audiophile if have not sneaked new equipment into your house past your wife, if your wife does not understand the acronym WAF or if your wife's eyes do not glaze over when you try to talk about $120 fuses with her.
Your wifes certainly not an audiophile if she doesn't notice the visible/audible differences between $1000 and $3500 speakers.
You're not serious unless you've been threatened with divorce/forced abstinence/the 'long hard cold stare'/a 'come to Jesus' meeting or variants of the previous...
You'd have max'd out a credit card at least once.  Points for multiple occurrences.  Bankruptcies win the lifetime title...
When 'the remodel' is for a new dedicated listening space ALONE, and not included in a larger plan...
Your dreams play out like a visit to an audio convention...
You wake up twiddling yourself/spouse/both in a non-sexual fashion, but you're excited Anyway...(...this one is Real Serious, and you really need help...)
Your closets have no space for clothes....
You don't like driving in your vehicle because the 'sound is so bad'...after the equipment has been replaced for the nth time....
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