ground the outlet or not??

Guys - I have the Equi-tech cabinet mount power center with an earth ground- I am about to install the Furutech NCF outlets and someone mentioned to me that I should NOT hook up the ground wires to the Furutech outlet- Just cut it off before the  outlet box-box- Does this make sense or not - thks
bnut311 -- yes there is if you install an Equi-Tech balanced power system.

Read this paper for an explanation -- of course one downside of installing such a system domestically is explaining it to anyone you sell the house to! I know (been there, had to rip it all out to make the sale go through!)
bnut311 said:
There’s no 60/120V systems in this country.

NEC, National Electrical Code.

Quote from Link below.

ARTICLE 647 Sensitive Electronic Equipment

647.1 Scope. This article covers the installation and wiring of separately derived systems operating at 120 volts line-to-line and 60 volts to ground for sensitive electronic equipment.

647.3 General. Use of a separately derived 120-volt single-phase 3-wire system with 60 volts on each of two ungrounded conductors to a grounded neutral conductor shall be permitted for the purpose of reducing objectionable noise in sensitive electronic equipment locations, provided the following conditions apply:

(1) The system is installed only in commercial or industrial occupancies.

(2) The system’s use is restricted to areas under close supervision by qualified personnel.

(3) All of the requirements in 647.4 through 647.8 are met.

647.4 Wiring Methods

(A) Panelboards and Overcurrent Protection. Use of standard single-phase panelboards and distribution equipment with a higher voltage rating shall be permitted. The system shall be clearly marked on the face of the panel or on the inside of the panel doors. Common trip two-pole circuit breakers or a combination two-pole fused disconnecting means that are identified for use at the system voltage shall be provided for both ungrounded conductors in all feeders and branch circuits. Branch circuits and feeders shall be provided with a means to simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors.

(B) Junction Boxes. All junction box covers shall be clearly marked to indicate the distribution panel and the system voltage.

(C) Conductor Identification. All feeders and branch-circuit conductors installed under this section shall be identified as to system at all splices and terminations by color, marking, tagging, or equally effective means. The means of identification shall be posted at each branch-circuit panel-board and at the disconnecting means for the building.

(D) Voltage Drop. The voltage drop on any branch circuit shall not exceed 1.5 percent. The combined voltage drop of feeder and branch-circuit conductors shall not exceed 2.5 percent.

(1) Fixed Equipment. The voltage drop on branch circuits supplying equipment connected using wiring methods in Chapter 3 shall not exceed 1.5 percent. The combined voltage drop of feeder and branch-circuit conductors shall not exceed 2.5 percent.

(2) Cord-Connected Equipment. The voltage drop on branch circuits supplying receptacles shall not exceed 1 percent. For the purposes of making this calculation, the load connected to the receptacle outlet shall be considered to be 50 percent of the branch-circuit rating. The combined voltage drop of feeder and branch-circuit conductors shall not exceed 2.0 percent.

FPN: The purpose of this provision is to limit voltage drop to 1.5 percent where portable cords may be used as a means of connecting equipment.


647.6 Grounding.

(A) General. The transformer secondary center tap of the 60/120-volt 3-wire system shall be grounded as provided in 250.30.

(B) Grounding Conductors Required. Permanently wired utilization equipment and receptacles shall be grounded by means of an equipment grounding conductor run with the circuit conductors to an equipment grounding bus prominently marked "Technical Equipment Ground" in the originating branch-circuit panelboard. The grounding bus shall be connected to the grounded conductor on the line side of the separately derived system’s disconnecting means. The grounding conductor shall not be smaller than that specified in Table 250.122 and run with the feeder conductors. The technical equipment grounding bus need not be bonded to the panelboard enclosure. Other grounding methods authorized elsewhere in this Code shall be permitted where the impedance of the grounding return path does not exceed the impedance of equipment grounding conductors sized and installed in accordance with this article.

FPN No. 1: See 250.122 for equipment grounding conductor sizing requirements where circuit conductors are adjusted in size to compensate for voltage drop.

FPN No. 2: These requirements limit the impedance of the ground fault path where only 60 volts apply to a fault condition instead of the usual 120 volts.

647.7 Receptacles .

(A) General. Where receptacles are used as a means of connecting equipment, the following conditions shall be met:

(1) All 15and 20-ampere receptacles shall be GFCI protected.

(2) All receptacle outlet strips, adapters, receptacle covers, and faceplates shall be marked with the following words or equivalent:

Do not connect to lighting equipment.
For electronic equipment use only.
60/120 V. 1-phase AC
GFCI protected.

The warning sign(s) or label(s) shall comply with 110.21(B).

(3) A 125-volt, single-phase, 15or 20-ampere-rated receptacle having one of its current-carrying poles connected to a grounded circuit conductor shall be located within 1.8 m (6 ft) of all permanently installed 15or 20-ampere-rated 60/120-volt technical power-system receptacles.

(4) All 125-volt receptacles used for 60/120-volt technical power shall have a unique configuration and be identified for use with this class of system. All 125-volt, single-phase, 15 or 20-ampere-rated receptacle outlets and attachment plugs that are identified for use with grounded circuit conductors shall be permitted in machine rooms, control rooms, equipment rooms, equipment racks, and other similar locations that are restricted to use by qualified personnel.

(B) Isolated Ground Receptacles. Isolated ground receptacles shall be permitted as described in 250.146(D); however, the branch-circuit equipment grounding conductor shall be terminated as required in 647.6(B).647.8 Lighting Equipment. Lighting equipment installed under this article for the purpose of reducing electrical noise originating from lighting equipment shall meet the conditions of 647.8(A) through (C).

Isolated Ground Receptacles. Isolated ground receptacles shall be permitted as described in 250.146(D); however, the branch-circuit equipment grounding conductor shall be terminated as required in 647.6(B).647.8 Lighting Equipment. Lighting equipment installed under this article for the purpose of reducing electrical noise originating from lighting equipment shall meet the conditions of 647.8(A) through (C.      Bravo jea48, I'm glad you are here,  you gave proof of my post here,  drops the noise floor is exactly what I hear on my system,  other than safety,  I use all three of the 10/3 romex electrical cable on my furutech gtx-rhodium NCF outlet's and furutech gtx-rhodium original outlet's,  cheers jea48.
Also jea48, I read both your post,  I agree whole heartily! , great read, I will tell you all here,  what jea48 posted here is code,  and the truth , especially concerning the op's topic post. 
Makes no sense whatsoever. What the Equi-Tech does is supply power in the same manner as a 2-pole 240 volt circuit only at 120 volts. You still need the grounding conductor on 240 volt outlets as Jea48 nicely summarizes the code and safety issues.

Before you hook up balanced 120 volt to your equipment, I would check with the manufacturer to see if they have any warranty objections. With balanced 120v there are now two current carrying conductors, so there should be a fuse on the equipment mains neutral as well as the hot. If you look at amplifiers with split primary power transformers (to operate at 120 or 240 volts) they have two mains fuses. If it runs at 120, only one fuse protects since the neutral is at zero volts but when converted to 240 the neutral is at 120 volts and therefore a short in the amp power supply will draw current from both legs, hence the reason for the second fuse. The same thing will happen with balanced 120, only the potential is 60 volts.