bondmanp - The polyfusors ran $270 + shipping for the pair. Down the road I am going to pick up 8 of the gridfusors to place near the ceiling and according to GIK that should pretty much do it for my room needs minus me doing some crazy stuff that the wife won't allow and frankly with the experimentation that I did place the speakers so close sounded bad.
I agree with you bondmanp that diffusion makes a lot of sense with the Ohms as they are relying on sound bounching around the room to help create their holographic imaging. In my own setup everything that I have purchased for the room has had some level of diffusion behind it minus the bass traps going behind my listening. All of the corner traps have difusion panels in them and the polyfusors obviously have difusion. I have tried removing the difusion panels and the room just goes dead. Things image like a microscope, but you sense of scale and image size is gone.
I agree with you bondmanp that diffusion makes a lot of sense with the Ohms as they are relying on sound bounching around the room to help create their holographic imaging. In my own setup everything that I have purchased for the room has had some level of diffusion behind it minus the bass traps going behind my listening. All of the corner traps have difusion panels in them and the polyfusors obviously have difusion. I have tried removing the difusion panels and the room just goes dead. Things image like a microscope, but you sense of scale and image size is gone.