Quicken the burn in time for new speakers by using a cheaper SS amp?

I'm in the process of buying a new pair of speakers and I would like to burn them in quickly without using my main tube amp (I'm new to the tube amp scene, but it's my understanding that you should not run a tube amps for very long periods) and by running them for longer periods using a much cheaper SS amp.  I'm thinking about using a cheap $125 Integrated Yamaha Amp http://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-R-S201BL-2-Channel-Stereo-Receiver/dp/B00F0H88SY/ref=sr_1_1?s=electroni....  The new speakers are going to run me about $3K.  I'm willing to buy the cheaper amp just to burn in the new speakers.  Any advice or comments would be appreciated.  
Also, to be clear when you guys talk about connecting out of phase, we're talking about connecting one speaker properly + to + / - to - and the other pair in reverse + to - / - to +. Is that correct to cancel out the sound waves? Thx

Check speaker connections for proper relative phase (+ to + and - to- on each cable from amp to speaker), and absolute phase (reversing or not reversing both left and right channel  + - connections).

Just play music, and listen for sonic stability.

In time, all will be well, if you made a wise speaker choice.
You also might want to consider a used 2 channel receiver. You can then use the FM tuner for the music source.
Yep, good idea.  Or even the NAD 5.1 receiver/CD/DVD I am selling.  Just kidding... Not really...Well,sort of  ;-)

Most importantly, have fun and don't stress over something like this.  I wouldn't let a tube amp run unattended, but then again, I wouldn't stress over getting 450 hours on a pair of speakers before I thought they were broken in enough to enjoy. 
Nordost sells a System Setup & Tuning CD which, besides having a "burn in" track, has lots of other really helpful tracks for setting up a system.
I think I ordered mine from Music Direct.