Horning owners what amps have you used?

Just curious what amps other owners, or previous owners, of the Aristoteles, Eufrodite, Agathon or Perikles have used. Chime in even if you don't own these speakers but have an opinion.

I know most everyone has heard these speakers with the TRON Discovery or Telstar at RMAF and the 211 is heavenly IMO, but way out of my price range.

I have the Aristoteles Zigma and a Thoress 300B SET (8w). I love it, but like anyone else who is possessed with sound addiction, as Neil says: rust never sleeps.

Has anyone used anything less than 8 watts? Or more power like a 300B PP or 845? I do have a Berning ZH270, and unlike a fellow Audiogon-er who had the ZH230 and Eufrodite and thought highly of the match, the ZH270 sound is not my thing.
Hi Charles,

What you'll hear at the show is probably the Elipse version with the latest bass drivers.
I have the previous version.
Assuming Jeff will be in charge, please give him regards from Oren, aka Mark, from Paris... I'm sure that'll bring a smile to his face, and a good story to be told.

Would be interested to hear your impressions after the show...

I heard about the Franks from a couple of guys who are as well pure music lovers that spoke very highly of their emotional capabilities.
The only way to know how they perform in my setup is to have them here...


Have a great time at the Chicago Audio Show this coming weekend. 
I hope you get a chance to hear the Synergistic Research Room Demonstrations. The new room treatment UEF panels will be demonstrated for the first time at this show. It will be interesting if you see any Elrog tubes being used, or for that matter any of the other premium tube brands.

David Pritchard
I have the new Horning Eufrodite Ellipse mated with the Frankenstein 300b mk.2 amps and the pairing is fantastic. The Frank's drive the speakers with no problem in my pretty large room.
 I also have a Pass Labs XA 30.8 amp which sounds nice but, the SET sounds much better!
Really enjoying the sound, pushes all my listening preferences buttons!
It should only get better with more break-in on the new speakers, cabling, Dac, and transport.
Hi Joe,
Your comparison of the Pass XA 30.8 and Frankenstein is similar to another gon member who replaced his Pass integrated amplifier with the Frankenstein. On the other hand reviewers Jack Roberts and Srajan Ebean chose the XA30.8 over their former 300b SET amplifiers. Once again demonstrating the obvious subjective nature of it all. I think that the Pass amplifiers sound good but I'd prefer a high quality SET just as you do. I'm glad you were able to compare both fine amplifiers in your system, there's no better way. 

I listened to the Eufrodite driven by the New Audio Frontiers 845 SET amplifier at Axpona this weekend. The speakers had upper bass emphasis /hump that could be room interactions.  Overall this speaker is very good IMO. Tone and timbre as well as dynamics and musical pace /flow were exceptionally good. The presentation is live like and involving. 
I can see the Frankenstein and Eufrodite being a wonderful match just as you describe. Congratulations Joe.