See here in lies one of the problems, in that you're attempting to do a dual purpose system, and you want convenience, and the sonic advantage of a dedicated outboard 2 channel pre plus outboard AV processor working in the same system - which you will have to switch the later in and out of the system anyway. It's a compromise of convenience to isolate the better 2 channel pre-amp for music duties in the setup. This causes a dilema in how one chooses to deal with how the powered subwoofer is to be used in both systems simultaneously, and remain effective for both. And, I find, you either often end up compromising the perfectly flexible and integrated subwoofer transition while swicthing between the two systems, or you maintain the best integration of mid/hi freq sonic purity whilest switching between them, and maybe have a not so convenient subwoofer conversion between the systems! Neither is likely ideal, and has it's pro's and con's in an ideal world.
If HT was my priority, I'd be likely nixing the seaparate 2 channel analog pre amp all together, and simply go with a high end digital AV prepro, and just process my music internally in the DAC's in the pre, with all digital connections, and analog converted or passed direct when you do tuner, turntable, etc. There are a number of them out there, that still sound superb for most people's tastes and applications, such as in a custom integration setup.
If music is your priority (such as yours), I'm probably doing what I suggested, and simply throw a speaker level switcher to switch in and out of the way for the subwoofer in parallel connection for music, and going straight out of the analog 2 ch preamp for music, running the sats full range. (the line level is disconnected when the AV pre/pro is turned off and not in use). Then, when it's movie time- and the AV pre is on and looped in to the 2 ch analog pre - you simply are using the internal digital 80hz crossover to all channels, and the subwoofer is filling in the bottom from the LFE output of your processor -and simply switch the speaker level out of the way from the switcher! Seems pretty straight foreward to me.
Again, this way, I get pure sonics to my sats for full range music, and get to add bass run in paralell. No other crossovers will do anything but degrade my signal purity that im asking out of my expensive analog 2 ch pre, otherwise.
But hey, that's me
If HT was my priority, I'd be likely nixing the seaparate 2 channel analog pre amp all together, and simply go with a high end digital AV prepro, and just process my music internally in the DAC's in the pre, with all digital connections, and analog converted or passed direct when you do tuner, turntable, etc. There are a number of them out there, that still sound superb for most people's tastes and applications, such as in a custom integration setup.
If music is your priority (such as yours), I'm probably doing what I suggested, and simply throw a speaker level switcher to switch in and out of the way for the subwoofer in parallel connection for music, and going straight out of the analog 2 ch preamp for music, running the sats full range. (the line level is disconnected when the AV pre/pro is turned off and not in use). Then, when it's movie time- and the AV pre is on and looped in to the 2 ch analog pre - you simply are using the internal digital 80hz crossover to all channels, and the subwoofer is filling in the bottom from the LFE output of your processor -and simply switch the speaker level out of the way from the switcher! Seems pretty straight foreward to me.
Again, this way, I get pure sonics to my sats for full range music, and get to add bass run in paralell. No other crossovers will do anything but degrade my signal purity that im asking out of my expensive analog 2 ch pre, otherwise.
But hey, that's me