...what I say is that a/s can never be adjusted properly...
And therefore any anti-skating setting, including zero, is a compromise. Which says nothing as to whether zero may be a better compromise or a worse compromise than any other.
As I mentioned earlier, I have no experience with low compliance cartridges. But I can say that with cartridges having compliances in the higher parts of the spectrum setting anti-skating to zero would result in cantilever deflection toward the outer edge of the record that upon close visual examination is so severe that it would seem to me to be absurd to even try such a setting.
Yogiboy, thanks for the link. Very informative article, from an unimpeachable source as you implied. I note, btw, that in Mr. Ledermann's reference in the article to looking at cantilever deflection he limits its usefulness to cartridges having medium to high compliance. Although he is addressing its usefulness as a check for gross error, rather than with respect to the adjustment procedure I described above.
-- Al