Exposure vs Exposure

Hello all. I am an enthusiast of the exposure equipment from the 90's when John Farlowe owned the company. Exceptionally musical and fun to listen to, great prat. I have not heard the offerings from the "new" exposure. Wonder how the new Exposure equipment sounds next to the old?


Agreed  tonality, texture, PRAT and a more forward presentation are older exposure hallmarks. My XVIII monblocks had a decent soundstage but I am pretty sure they needed a recap and better source.

I went a step up with the dual 4 reg recapped and the soundstage is wide and has good depth but again its recapped and has a good source. very comparable to more recent high end stuff in soundstage dept

Agreed the phono input is very good. Very natural sounding. I will say you can beat the resolution and soundstage at about 1k New but the exposure still has a very natural sound.

After a year of a 2010s2 integrated I bought a 3010s2 preamp and a Dual Regulated 4 (100% original). As highly as I think of the 2010s2, and I do, the new combo easily bests it by every metric.

I own a 3010s amp and have nothing but good things to say about them and their integrated amplifiers. Both sound great but you will come to further appreciate later 3010S vs 2010s with more demanding speakers.    
I am currently using a 2010S2D Integrated amp as a preamp into a Naim 250 power amp. The sound is very good. Would a dedicated 3010S2 preamp be an improvement in sound quality?