Your not a serious audiophile I'd you have??????

Let's start a coversation kinda tongue in cheek about this question. Also lets comment on the other way around . Your not a serious audiophile if you don't have ????? I will post my thoughts after several others have posted. Mike
. . . If you haven't dimpled you're nice wood floor to allow you to maintain speaker placement. 
. . . If you haven't dimpled you're nice wood floor to allow you to a reference point to maintain speaker placement. 
Return from CES with Kimber Kable silver speaker cable for your girlfriend instead of flowers.

Lost a remote control that used to belong to said mentioned beloved electronic gracing advertisement.

If you drive a POS car so you can divert $ to the stereo... If you have a transistor. tube, and another transitor preamp in case one fails.... If you have one table with two armwands just in case...and another table for ?? If you have a drawer of extra ICs and PCs..... If you have ever recommended something cuz the dog liked it... All true...