Baetis Audio Is it the real deal?

Considering a digital server.  Heard a lot about Aurender and Baetis.  Is Baetis everything it is said to be or is it not as there are many mixed reviews and comments.  This review from The Absolut Sound is compelling but its related commemts below the review are not.....  Thank you.
I own the Sony HAP server, and can’t figure out why folks would choose another server. I’m sure the others sound great also. For $2k new, the Sony has the sq & the ux and other perks.

Not trying to start a flame, just curious how other server options would be a superior choice.

I also have the Sony HAPZ1ES server/player and I am extremely satisfied with it. For the coin, I have not heard better. It’s very easy to use and comes with a great iPad remote app. The only drawback is you have to transfer the files via the ethernet port or via the built in wireless. It would be nice if you could copy directly from another hard drive but that feature isn’t available. The internal drive is only 1TB, but you can add a much larger usb drive via a port on the rear once the main drive is filled up. The player boots up very quickly and has never skipped a beat. It will also play dsd files and can upsample redbook or hi rez to dsd quality. I love mine.

A friend tried the Baetis and thought it was kind of cheesy. He ended up buying an Aurender unit and loves it. It boils down to how much you want to spend.   For 2 large ones, the Sony is the way to go. If you want to spend more, go with the Aurender.

Actually the latest Sony firmware allows direct cd rips via usb hdd. You'll see that option in the app. Added a few months ago. 
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