Well the panels came in yesterday and I got the polyfusors setup in the side walls. Definitely an improved blackness in the room and the speakers blend more seamlessly into the room and soundstage. Imaging is also greatly improved. As solid as the anchoring of the center voice and instruments were it is now even better locked in sounds have far better separation. Everything has a separation sonic sound and things are less homogenous (Not to say they were by any stretch before). Bass is even airier and taughter. Bass just seems to float in a way I typically associated in with dipoles/planars but it has the huge advantage of the dynamic driver punch.
On the objective side there was a measurable difference in the 200 to 500hz range that levels out 3 nulls that were being measured pre Dirac correction and in the post Dirac impulse response was smoothed out with the panels in place.
Tonight I will be installing the monster bass traps with the range limiters in the rear since the hardware that came to mount them wasn't sufficient and I need to get some from the hardware store.
One lesson reinforced to me is that regardless of digital room correct you need a solid acoustic space in the room. Dirac only improved in the latest acoustic installation, but with the added panels in place there is a clear improvement in the sound even with Dirac on. So before buying $1500 interconnects spend however much you can on room acoustic treatment and then put the icing on the cake.
Looking forward to installing the monster bass panels tonight. :)
On the objective side there was a measurable difference in the 200 to 500hz range that levels out 3 nulls that were being measured pre Dirac correction and in the post Dirac impulse response was smoothed out with the panels in place.
Tonight I will be installing the monster bass traps with the range limiters in the rear since the hardware that came to mount them wasn't sufficient and I need to get some from the hardware store.
One lesson reinforced to me is that regardless of digital room correct you need a solid acoustic space in the room. Dirac only improved in the latest acoustic installation, but with the added panels in place there is a clear improvement in the sound even with Dirac on. So before buying $1500 interconnects spend however much you can on room acoustic treatment and then put the icing on the cake.
Looking forward to installing the monster bass panels tonight. :)