Recommendations for XLR interconnect cables on a BAT system

Hi guys.
I just purchased a BAT 32SE pre amp, that I am going to connect to some VK60 BAT monoblock´s, what recommendations of XLR cables do you think would be good for this set up.
I currently have some ProAC 3.8 speakers that run on Cardas Quadlink 5C speaker cables.
Thinking about the cardas golden cross XLR ? any thoughts ?



I like anything that uses OCC copper (Harmonic Technology, Shunyata, etc.).
Personally, I would think that you could use a touch of silver. I've heard your ProAc speakers, and I've owned 9 pieces of BAT gear. While very nice, they both can be a touch on the warm side. Your Cardas speaker cables are also a bit warm. From my experiences, too much of a good thing can be bad.

Now, if you love warm, sweet sound, this may work out well for you.
If you are seeking a bit more resolution, you may consider trying something with silver in it, like Acoustic Zen Absolute.
I use Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper with my BAT gear. Sounds very good to my ears.