Has anyone found Audio Nirvana?

Just want to know how many of you have found Audio Nirvana. Please list you equipment..
The VTL and SL700 combination sounds like a great place to start seeking it. My cherry was popped when I had Luxman and Harbeth together, Sudgen pre power combo. USA made McCormack amp and 3A speakers, with up to 5 8" subs, classe cd player. I find audio nirvana often I’m not critical enough a listener perhaps. Exposure amplifiers are another good place to start. Perhaps it has more to do with building than finding.
I'll say it again. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter Audio Nirvana. 

I have.

Gear (I have other gear as well but these are key ingredients/ones that matter most):

Audio research and Bel Canto amplification
Bel Canto and mhdt DACs
OHM speakers
DNM Reson ICs and Pangea Power Cords (to a much lesser extent)
Phono section is Linn Axis, Denon DL103R, Electrocompaniet stepup transformer + Mu metal foil shielding around step up transformer

I’ve found the OHM speakers to be the most irreplaceable for maintaining "audio nirvana".

Sorry, no fuses making this list to-date.  :^)

I have heard a large number of expensive/exotic systems that  - initially - didn't reach listenability, let alone audio nirvana.  As a result, I tend to think too much emphasis is put on equipment and not enough on system/room optimisation.

Not stated as fact, just my observations from voicing hundreds of systems.


Jim Smith