Al, I agree, that was invalid point - double DF doesn’t make much difference in most cases. As I stated in my older posts speaker’s impedance is mostly resistive and it is in series with back EMF reducing max possible DF to about 1. As long as amplifier doesn’t destroy it too much it is OK. Some of Ralf’s amps had DF<1 sounding fine.
You are right that I assumed two independent amps in differential mode - that’s different from balanced. In order to make identical gain stage in each amp they have to reference each other (like in the first stage of instrumentation amp) instead of being ground referenced. In that case amps aren’t really independent as I thought they should be. Noise rejection in such design should be great but it is not worth extra expense IMHO. Single ended amps with balanced inputs might have great noise rejection as well, while better components can be utilized for the price of fully balanced design.
You are right that I assumed two independent amps in differential mode - that’s different from balanced. In order to make identical gain stage in each amp they have to reference each other (like in the first stage of instrumentation amp) instead of being ground referenced. In that case amps aren’t really independent as I thought they should be. Noise rejection in such design should be great but it is not worth extra expense IMHO. Single ended amps with balanced inputs might have great noise rejection as well, while better components can be utilized for the price of fully balanced design.