Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?

I am looking to buy a custom built turntable from Torqueo Audio ( They have two models, one with a wide base plinth where the tonearm would be mounted on the plinth (as usual) and the second is a compact plinth where they provide a seperate tonearm pillar to mount the tonearm. According to them the separate tonearm pillar version sounds more transparent and quieter because of the isolation of the tonearm from the TT. My concern is whether seperating the tonearm from the plinth would result in a lesser coherence in sound ? Isnt sharing the same platform results in a more well-timed, coherent presentation ? Any opinions ?

True Ralph. What you describe is an ideal situation but it is a fact that tonearms & plinths, even when locked rigidly together, resonate differently e.g. tonearms will have multiple resonant peaks which are not shared by the turntable which help to give each tonearm its unique sound.

In a perfect world they would be in perfect harmony. It seldom detracts from the enjoyment of the music we eventually hear.

Ralph is absolutely correct. It follows that the tonearm and the platter must be in communication, and the faster the better. Beryllium anyone?
I think the theory of relative motion is simple to understand.  You don't feel like you're moving in a jet flying at 500 mph because you're both moving together at the same rate, so the motion sort of cancels itself out.  Something like that.  
Hi Pani
It’s important imo, to remember that the plinth is the lowest member of a base. When setup in this fashion the shelf holding "all the goods" becomes the plinth.
I went down this road many years ago, putting a tonearm on an isolated armpod/pillar. I was curious, it was fun, and it involved a lot of learning. I took the idea further using symposium roller block jrs., and a VPI JMW 12 tonearm. The original idea came from a Greek audiophile. I had so much fun I wrote a review of it, with a short youtube.

Going by memory I can tell you that the cartridge used was very high compliance, Dynamic Compliance: 50 x 10-6cm/Dyne and when set up in the traditional way sounded terrible on this tonearm. But when set up like this; well you listen.

Plus I live on the West Coast where we are subject to earthquakes, some of which go unfelt. I don’t want my tonearm "dancing" around somewhere close to the correct position.

I am thinking the symposium setup might actually work for an earthquake, but I have no experience. I have experienced only a couple of shakes in Ontario, barely noticeable . What do you think ?

Chayro - I thought that was an interesting analogy. Some have tried to use the analogy of two boats floating next to one another. This analogy doesn’t work for me. An analogy that works better - I put in a heavy 20 foot long dock in the water one summer, and was so happy with the accomplishment I danced on the end of it. It barely moved.