STUPIDLY high resolution pure silver interconnects

Several months ago I posted about making my own pure silver interconnects, and how much I liked them. Since that time, I have been relentlessly making other designs, copying other manufacturers build principles. I've built braided like Kimber, Venhaus, Tara copies, ect, ect. I've also experimented with various wire gauges and dialectric materials. NOTHING I did bettered my own previous DIY cables though ..... UNTIL :
During some reading, I realized that several different, independant reviewers have ALL said the exact same thing about one particular cable, and that cable was the soild silver Vacuum State interconnects. What EVERY one of the reviewers said in common was : "I've heard things in my familiar recordings that I never knew was there" .... One of the reviewers, Roy Gregory of HiFi+ actually explained the EXACT construction used in issue number 60.
It is one 29 gauge signal run, and two 29 gauge return runs of solid silver, enamel coated magnet wire. TIGHTLY TWISTED TOGETHER. Not being able to get silver magnet wire myself, I made an exact copy but used pure unbleached cotton covered silver wire and twisted it tightly together. It twisted easily and stayed PERFECTLY. Eichmann bullets are used on the Vacuum State, so that is what I used also.
I am VERY embarressed to have to say this, because it sounds like a reviewer's used car salesman line, BUT : I'm now hearing all kinds of things I never knew were in my recordings I have been listening to and using as a reference all of my life !!!!
I truly did not think this was possible, and thought it was something reviewers said to fill up blank space on their page. I could go on and on, but I've NEVER heard more resolution. They are NOT BRIGHT, but border on ruthlessly revealing. Insanely good soudstaging and imaging, with shimmering, detailed highs and tight, deep bass.
hi face:

how much resolution do you want, as i intimated in my analogy of the microscope ?
Post removed 

the Focal 936 is a fine speaker. It is best augmented w/ a REL subwoofer.
Timtim - since you are an adventurous DIYer - take a look at this design...

I have also tried tightly twisted architecture using solid silver conductors for neutral and signal, but this design proved to be much better across the board.

I use them for both analogue and digital cables and they are the best I've tried to date.

You could use silver for the neutral, but I've only tried them with a solid silver signal conductor and copper neutral conductor and they are superb. Much better than a $2k interconnect I have.

The KLE Innovations RCA's are the best I've used to date also. Performs extremely well on my TT's tone arm wire.

Give em a whirl :-)
Just wanted to chime in (11 years later) to say that I have built the same cable that timtim speaks about. I used the same components they used except I believe my wire is a bit larger in diameter. I built this 2-3 years ago so can’t remember the exact gauge but I know it was solid core, pure silver in a cotton jacket made by Jupiter. I used the original silver Eichmann plugs with Cardas solder.

I agree with timtim’s description of the sound. It’s ruthlessly detailed! Really makes me wonder why standard interconnect construction can’t convey that amount of detail. Is it the silver? The minimal cotton jacket? The Eichmann plugs? All of the above?

The best analogy I can give is that the interconnect is like a magnifying glass. With standard construction interconnects, you mainly hear the notes themselves, some of the harmonics and occasionally a finger sliding down the guitar. With this DIY silver cable, it turns up the magnification and you hear every little detail with ease: you hear the notes themselves, loads of harmonics, every finger sliding up and down the guitar, the guitar pick leaving the string, the musicians shifting in their chairs, the reverb in the room, etc. It’s quite the experience!

I have found that the best location for the cable in my system is between the preamp and amplifier. I’ve used it after the source but it doesn’t sound as good as my more standard construction copper cable in that position and I have also picked up some noise there. Not so between the preamp and amp.