FWIW the stock slo blo fuse that came in my ARC sp16 appears to have been well thought out to start as well. It is quite substantial and unique in its build compared to most common slo blow fuses I have seen over the years.
How much a "good sounding" fuse need to cost is a whole other can of worms. Slo blo or otherwise. It can cost as much as someone is willing to pay based on it "sounding better" even if for totally unknown reasons.
So its not a given that all high end vendors just shove any old fuse in there to start with. Good vendors tend to think everything over pretty carefully.
Another reason to not generalize and say fuse X always sounds better. What one starts with is certainly a factor as always. No mysteries there. A change in one case is not the same as in others.
Also interestingly the fuse is not symmetrical in its build which is obvious to the naked eye (unlike crystal patterns of metal) and reversing that does nothing as well.
How much a "good sounding" fuse need to cost is a whole other can of worms. Slo blo or otherwise. It can cost as much as someone is willing to pay based on it "sounding better" even if for totally unknown reasons.
So its not a given that all high end vendors just shove any old fuse in there to start with. Good vendors tend to think everything over pretty carefully.
Another reason to not generalize and say fuse X always sounds better. What one starts with is certainly a factor as always. No mysteries there. A change in one case is not the same as in others.
Also interestingly the fuse is not symmetrical in its build which is obvious to the naked eye (unlike crystal patterns of metal) and reversing that does nothing as well.