Epi/Epicure M1000 vs. Duntech Sovereign

Wanted to pose a question to those that have heard both the Epicure/Epi M1000 towers and the Duntech Sovereign (I guess opens up to the Dunlavy SCV as well) to ask opinions.
I had, fairly recently, found and fully restored a pair of the vintage Epi M1000 towers back to better than new with 12gauge wiring, binding posts, caps etc. etc. and recently came upon a pair of early model - unmolested - Duntech Sovereign 2001.  When I mentioned this to a dealer of very very high end gear about this "comparison" for the idea of replacing the M1000 with the Duntech her response was "Why?  The Epi 1000 are better...."
This totally took me for a shocker.  I didn't, and don't, know how this could be possible.  She then went on to inform me that she had a pair of the M1000 back in the 70s and was a dealer for both Duntech and Dunlavy lines. 
She basically told me to save my money and not to bother with either of the "one hit wonders" and keep the Epi as they are "icons" to audio. 
I have never heard either of the others however I've read the literature and know that the 1000 are absolutely incredible sounding speakers with silky smooth highs, from the inverted dome tweets, and truly floor rumbling lows....
I'd like to hear any comments, impressions or whatever regarding this subject.  Thank you in advance...
Back in the ealry 80's a very goof friend of mine rann two Phase Linear D-500's into the M-1000.  His were from 74 or 75 and had the bi-amp option. Earlier models didnt have this but it is an easy retrofit.  Any way, at well over 500 watts per channel of very clean 
power the EPI's were quite happy to absorb it all. The only other spearker I've ever seen take so much power was the BOSE 901's.

I always loved the sound of EPI, and that wonderful inverted dome tweeter.. 
Apparently the Epi 601/602 take a ton of power as well.  The Epi 1000 that I had found and restored were an earlier pair however I replaced the spring clips with gold plated binding posts.  Total ground up restoration. Here is a picture of them: http://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?attachments/img_2641-jpg.654059/
Now on the hunt for a pair of high powered solid state monos trade deal to run with them.
I was on the hunt for a pair of the Duntech or Dunlavy prior to acquiring these but none were around here.  When I posed the above question to a dealer of high end audio gear (including the aforementioned) who actually owned a pair of these 1000s back in the 70s shocked me with her answer.  Still on the fence about keeping them or pursuing the above.... 
Yes, I too enjoy the inverted dome tweets from the Epi.  I believe Focal ended up getting the rights to the patent for the particular design.  Could well be wrong...
I’d like to ask if anyone has ever heard both the Epi 1000 towers and the Duntech Sovereign (I’m guessing the Dunlavy SC-V is very comparable to the Duntech Sovereign)?
I’d like to hear opinions, comments or various concerns. I’ve heard from 3 people however two were former Epi employees and one was the lady, former Duntech/Dunlavy dealer and Epi owner above.
Thank you in advance...